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A 1:29th Scale Project


One of the most unique passenger trains in rail history was the Aerotrain. Designed and built in the mid 1950's the Aerotrain was considered an experimental. 2 full train sets were constructed and later tested on the PRR, NYC and Union Pacific Railroads. Both sets were later sold to the Rock Island Railroad and used thru out the greater Chicago area on commuter trains. They were retired from service in 1965 and both were donated to rail museums where they, at least in partial sets, still exsist today.

Although the prototypes were considered failures, I thought it would be interesting to construct the Aerotrain in model form. Being I like to construct large models, I tackled the project in 1:29th Scale. Construction was accomplished using my favorite medium, Styrene. Styrene is lightweight, easily cut and glued to fabricate the parts needed. Putty also played a large part in this project as it helped me duplicate the numerous curves associated with the locomotive's body shell contours and the coach's roof lines. Below are photographs to help document the construction.

My original plan was to build the Aerotrain that saw service on the PRR for a handful of months in the mid 1950's. This would include the full compliment of 10 cars and the locomotive that pulled them. This would also result in a train set of over 17 foot long in 1:29th Scale. Quite a sight!. Well, at this point in time I am well underway with my original plans. Nearing completion are the Locomotive, 2 Coaches and the Tail Car. I still need to construct the remaining 7 Coaches. However, I do have the option of modeling the PRR Aerotrain in the abbreviated 8 or 9 car train. So I can get away with just having to build 5 more Coaches and be prototypical. On with some photos!!!




Tailcar 3/4 View


Tailcar, Rear View


Tailcar 3/4 Rear View


Tailcar 3/4 Front View


Tailcars (1:29th and HO Scale Comparison)


Tailcars (1:29th and HO Scale Comparison)


Tailcars (1:29th and HO Scale Comparison)






Locomotive Framework


Locomotive Framework


Locomotive Framework


Locomotive Framework


Locomotive Framework


Locomotive Shell


Locomotive Shell


Locomotive Shell


Locomotive Shell Top View


Detailed Locomotive Shell


Locomotive and Tailcar


Locomotive, Coach and Tailcar


Locomotive, Coach and Tailcar


More Pics to follow as I progress with the Loco Truck Journals, Body Shell Details, Modifications and Painting........

Power Truck


Front Truck Side Frames


Locomotive, 3/4 View


Locomotive, 3/4 View


Rear Truck Side Frame


Locomotive, Coach and Tailcar


Well, after nearly one year working off and on on this project, everything has come to a climax rather quickly this past month. More Resin arrived for casting Truck Journels, the paint arrived through the mail and I was eager to spray the finish. I like very much how the "metalic" look was accomplished using the Alclad 2 Polished Aluminum paint. And with the Red/Orange band applied the look of the Aerotrain was finally realized. Below are a seires of photos of the nearly completed model. Yet to be applied are Windshield Wipers and the Aerotrain Logo.

Locomotive and Coach Trucks




Painted Coach


Locomotive, Coaches and Tailcar


Painted Locomotive


Painted Tailcar


Locomotive, Coaches and Tailcar


Locomotive, Coaches and Tailcar


Locomotive, Coaches and Tailcar


Locomotive and Coach


Locomotive, Coaches and Tailcar




Locomotive and Coaches


As of now, I have completed the Loco, two Coaches and the Tailcar. I will delay construction on the rest of the coaches for now. There are other projects I want to tackle. I will be sure to share that once I decide which it will be. Thanks once again, Gary


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