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Welcome to PotC Guild Website!!

.:About going Private:.
When we go private only users in the guild can see the guild. That means you can only show non-members the guild by inviting them [x]HERE. If your rank isnt high enough and you want to invite some one neomail the council. ^_^

1.DO NOT spam the board. Do so and be suspended. Continue and booted from guild. I will not tolerate "im poor give me np etc"
2.DO NOT bad mouth or insult any one/or cast member of you will get a warning. 2 you will be suspended. (Tell me why did you join the guild just to bad mouth a acter)
3.Stay active! Please dont join and just sit there! Help out! Running a guild is hard!
4.Do not join the guild and ask for council right away. Its not gonna happen.
5.Reffer! Please! heres the message you can use!

Remember just have fun and help out!