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Ok, ladies! This is your chance to win a date with yours truly. Just answer the questions below and hit "Submit" and I will process and review your application. What are you waiting for?!? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! =P

01. Name:     First Middle Last

02. Address: City State

03. Phone Number:

04. E-mail Address:

05. Screenname:    AIM: MSN: Yahoo!:

06. Nicknames:

07. Date of Birth: 19

08. This makes you how old (Don't lie. I will do the math):

09. Sexual Preference:

10. Hair Color: If Other, specify:

11. Eye Color: If Other, specify:

12. Teeth Color: If Other, specify:

13. Ethnicity: If Other, specify:

14. Height:

15. Weight: lbs.

16. Shoe Size:

17. Dominant Hand: Right Left Ambidextrous

18. On a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being the best, how would you rate your physical appearance:

        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

19. Religion:

20. Highest Level of Education:

21. Expected Highest Level of Education:

22. SAT Score:

23. Yearly Income:

24. Profession:

25. Number of Languages Known:

26. Are you a virgin: Yes No

27. Pets (list all with names):

28. Favorite Color: If Other, specify:

29. Favorite Band:

30. Favorite Singer:

31. Favorite Song:

32. Favorite Movie:

33. Favorite TV Show:

34. Favorite Cartoon:

35. Favorite Writing Utensil (Pen, Pencil, Crayon, Bloody Finger, etc.):

36. Favorite Sport to Watch:

37. Favorite Sport to Play:

38. Favorite Place to Shop (You know you love to shop):

39. Favorite Scent:

40. Favorite Food:

41. Favorite Drink:

42. Favorite Flower:

43. How often do you drink alcohol:

44. Do you smoke or use tobacco: Yes No

45. Do you use any drugs: Yes No

46. How often do you exercise:

47. If you could/sleep with any person in history, who would it be and why?

48. What is the capital of Cormyr:

49. What is the ultimate meaning of life, the universe, and everything:

50. If you were to dye your hair, what color would you dye it:

51. If you were an inanimate object, what would you be and why:

52. If you were a cartoon character, who would you be and why:

53. If you could put me under a spell, what would it be called and what would it do:

54. If you could have a night alone with me, what would it consist of:

55. If Crayola decided to make your last name into a color, what color would it be:

56. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be:

57. Your biggest life goal:

58. Cup Size:

59. Biggest Turn-On:

60. Biggest Turn-Off:

61. The sweetest thing a guy has ever done for you:

62. Why you want a date with me:

63. Why I should want a date with you:

64. If one train leaves New York at 7:30 P.M. EST at 65 MPH going to Chicago, and another train leaves Chicago at 10:01 P.M. PST at 53 MPH going to New York, would you go out with me if I asked you today: Yes No