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My Brother Paul's Movies!

Welcome to this site!

The purpose of this site is to share the movies made by my brother Paul using his new digital camera.

Perhaps this will move you to want to buy a digital camera, which can not only take still shots, but short movies, too!

Here are the movies:

Here's the first movie!

Here's the second movie!

Higgins the Movie Star

Al and Zelna Chorro arrive at their
40th Anniversary surprise party

UPDATE 13-Jan-2004: Well, this next movie is NOT by my brother Paul. HOWEVER it is very very funny. If you like cats that is. Even if you DON'T like cats, you'll still like it! Check it out at the link below:
Funny Cats

Also not by Paul, still, this is a fun "Jammin' Muppet" film:
Jammin' Muppet