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Need more help?

  • Take advantage of the FrontPage help files. They contain information on how to perform most of the tasks available within FrontPage.
  • Buy a book on your FrontPage version.
  • Join a FrontPage users group such as those that can be found at Yahoo groups.
  • Check our Help Center.
  • Send us an email and we'll be glad to help.

Need Changes?

This template package is offered "as is". We are unable to change the template colors or main graphic images upon request.  If you wish modifications, such as a different main image or different colors, please contact us for information and pricing.



Depending upon whether you purchase your template from our site or from a third party reseller, you will directed to a page which contains a downloadable zipped file.

Unzip this file to a location on your hard drive. Inside will be a "Read Me" text file with complete instructions.

Credit card orders are available for immediate download. PayPal orders are emailed during normal business hours.

Server Extensions

Actually, FrontPage will work quite well without the server extensions. But in order to use the "publish" feature and any item found within the "components" list such as Table of Contents, Forms, Hit Counter, etc., server extensions are necessary.

If you are using FrontPage, it just makes sense to take advantage of all it has to offer and find a web host who offers and supports these server extensions.

About Images

Any images that you create outside of FrontPage should be saved in gif or jpeg format and then imported into the images folder of your web. If you create images within FrontPage such as from the Clip Gallery, save the page. You will be prompted to save the images. In the dialog box, you may specify the folder to which to save the images.

We have designed this template to make it easy for you to replace the images within this template with those of your own. You can see the size of each image by right-clicking and viewing the picture properties.