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Avalon pics and video from February 12th 2005 are up now!

Welcome to Sara's Photo Album!

Well, it's a new year, so I thought I'd go for a new page design... or, maybe I'm just really bored! :-)

Anyway, take a look at the photos page and enjoy all the funny pictures!

Update: Video clips will now be added along with photos! (Thanks to my sweet Denis who gave me a great digital camera/video recorder! :-) Now if I could only figure out how to use it... Haha! Forgive my bad footage as I am still searching for a good video editor. Freeware doesn't exactly have all the perks of the real program, either, which makes for an even worse edit job on top of the fact that I don't know how to use the program to begin with.
In any case, my first videos are up from our trip to the Avalon, so check them out!
All the videos are in AVI format so if you have RealPlayer or Windows Media Player (or any of the common ones floating around) it should work just fine. If you need it in another format, let me know and I will email it to you!

If you've seen all the pictures and still want more fun stuff to look at, check out my links page for some of the other sites I've made as well as a few of my favorites!

If you happen to have any good pictures from the listed events on the photos page that you would like to add or if you have a few of your own, please email me and I will post them ASAP!

Thanks for visiting!



Content © Copyright 2005 S. Reilly