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The digital revolution is here!

Lets Eliminate piracy

November 15 2005: I know updates have been scarce in the last couple of years but I promise I'll try harder to keep everything up to date. High Power Entertainment is still alive and we are currently looking for talent to sign to our upcoming record label. First artists to be signed will be doing three or four mixtapes and promoting them just as a trial for a recording studio. If you know anyone who is interested in signing please email me @

Ok well enough of that and lets get on with this.

All Digital Cinema

Heres some info from "" "Movie theaters going digital: Celluloid is becoming a thing of the past in Hollywood. After years of Hollywood hype, 2004 could truly be a watershed year for digital cinema. A recent surge in investment by theater chains and technology companies means the number of digital projectors in cinemas will more than double to over 400 in the next 12 months, Screen Digest reports." Well we can see why some people would not like to get into digital cinema. Theres people that have worked so long with film that they would hate to have to learn everything over again. But really what it comes down to is the story and how we tell the story as George Lucas said. And really this is just a tool to help us tell the story.

The Day I lost a mother
