Title: Chastening of a Slayer

Author: Insane Ducks

Feedback: InsaneDucks@msn.com

Rating: NC-17 for Graphic sex, blood play, non consensual sex.

Authors Notes:



Chapter 1

Obsession. That was what it all boiled down to in the but it all boiled down to the same thing in the violent recesses of his warped mind; he was obsessed with the slayer, and there was no escaping it. Angelus was obsessed with his constant need to try and torment the blonde slayer and now there was good reason to satisfy his innermost urges to toy with her, mentally and physically. She had slept with his very own Childe. The slayer was tainted by the touch of the one Angelus has spent many years with. . . Spike should have know that once found out, the two lovers would be in for torment of their lives.

Both the demon and the slayer had an obsession of sorts and hers had brought her here now, allowed her to walk through the halls of the Edwardian estate that was nestled in the hills of Santa Clarita, California. The newest place where Angelus had decided to reside in, away from any prying eyes of his employees.

Buffy Summers had to admit that the 240 something year old vampire had a certain, nice taste in houses. Large, English. . . Mansions. And there was always a hint of past to them, usually decorated in antiques, lighting low to suit vampire preferences. Soft, quiet footfalls took her up the grand staircase, hand gently trailing up the intricate wooden banister. Chance would have it that Angel knew she was already here, knew that she was coming to Los Angeles before she had. . .

Obsession was the reason that the vampire now walked quietly in the shadows yards behind the slayer, watching her. An animal stalking it's prey before it could pounce and torment before games turned into carnal pleasure as the victim was devoured.

Dark chocolate depths remained slits as he trailed slowly behind her. Any moment she would turn to look his way down the spanning dark hall and see him there, hands clasped together behind his broad frame as he stood examining every move she made with those brooding depths.

The slayer seemed completely oblivious to any movement around her, seemed to be heading in one direction and nothing else mattered. A glint of light caught the smooth wooden piece at her back, her best weapon in the situation. Angelus knew that she knew how to use it, knew that on any ordinary day the pretty little slayer wouldn't hesitate to use it but today wasn't at all ordinary. Today was his day to have a little fun.

Buffy stopped, and just when thought she would turn around and presence be known she took a right turn directly into a room from the hall that sparked her interest as being a place that perhaps Angel may have been found. A large room draped entirely in hues of dark crimsons and blacks with high vaulted ceilings, a large poster bed nestled in the center against the back wall. Right into the devils lair.

The Scourge now stepped fully into the center of the hall as shoed feet took his large frame after the small woman before him. No action was taken to mask his actions as he stepped to the doorway, no concern if she sensed him now or not.

Turning, a familiar figure, the one she had been searching for stood there to the entrance of the room, one paw resting above his head against the dark wood. "Angel." She gasped out, startled at the fact that she hadn't heard him come to the room more so than that he was actually standing there.

Angel. . . Sure little one. "Took you long enough to realize that I was back here." Deep words were stated in a quiet drawl that suggested psychotic amusement with the entire situation. Those depthed eyes wandered slowly south from her face to the base of her neck. "Losin' you're touch, Slayer. Could have broken that pretty little neck of yours before you even knew that I was back here." A snide contortion of lips turned upward in a crooked half smile. "Good thing I like to play with my food."

Buffy stayed her ground, narrowing her eyes as she realized who she was dealing with. "Lucky for me, right?" A cold sneer aimed at him. Reaching behind her, hand reappeared a moment later with the stake he had taken note of minutes before. "You were saying?"

Steps taken carefully in the small women’s direction, Angelus was sure to stay a safe distance away from her and the thing she held. "Oh, please Buff. Even you can do better than threatening me with that." A nod was given to the object.

"Care to try me? I've had plenty of time to get over you and believe me when I say there’s quite a few more vampires under my belt since you left the last time."

His voice had lowered again to another, lower murmuring pitch, a slow and cautious stride closer taken to her, though still remaining offensively neutral. It was the sort of cautious way he used to approach her...when he was so infatuated he needed to move that slowly to take the whole sight in. But now. . . "Don't think I'm going to harm you just yet, Buff. I still need to thank you for getting rid of that damn soul."

"That 'damn soul' is the only thing that kept me from staking you sooner. Now. . .I don't foresee any problems." The stake was lifted into both of their lines of view and swayed back and forth twice so he could see.

Sleek brows of dark color arched just visibly against the pallid texture of that chilled forehead, taking a solitary and equally daring stride forward once more, so that his chest was square and within reach of the deadly point of that stake. He held his ground there, as if silently daring.

She took a step back, never lowering the stake as features wrinkled together in confusion, surprise and disgust. What was there to say? 'Don't make me do this.' or something equally predictable? Buffy may have been a slayer but she still loved Angel hopelessly, and she wouldn't push until it was down to her life or his. In the long run, that would be her downfall.

That snide smile only continued upward along the recesses of his features, watching her with the mirth a predator has when viewing smaller prey. With another step forward to meet hers and a swipe of a large hand to the side, the wood was pulled out of her hand and flung back towards the door. The aching silence, however, he did break, with that of a soft, chiding cluck of his tongue. "Tsk, tsk, Slayer. Should'a taken the opportunity. Letting a natural killer go free 'cause you have fuzzy feelings for a dead part of him..? Not all too smart. But then, you never were the brightest slayer, were you?"

Eyes narrowed, the previous look of hurt melding into one of anger. "You're absolutely correct. I would have never allowed myself to be manipulated by a vampire....She blinked, always having been good at controlling anger but obviously not when it came down to something so....important. ". . .To sleep with any demon, soul or no soul! But I was willing to chance it. Why? Because this isn't who you are!" Different approach....maybe that would work, she thought in some...last hope.

For the briefest of instances, he seemed at a lack of words to her outburst, almost vaguely confused. . .but after a moment, confusion would be recognized as pain, the agony stitched obviously into his forehead as he stared at her silently. Then with a brief flicker, the anger and hatred fled from his eyes, leaving the gentle hues of chocolate color in their places. "...Buffy, I --"

". . .Angel?" A brief hope-filled look was given up to him as now empty hands clasped together in mid-air up by her chin. Ocular’s screamed out for him to be something other than Angelus, to be the man she hopelessly cared for.

Long fingers lifted to her face and drifted gently along her jaw-line before slowly slipping down her neck and onto her shoulder as if he were lost and didn't know where he was but she was remembered and nothing else mattered. "Buffy, I- What happened? What are you doing here?"

"I came to find you because. . ." Gaze was lowered, the slayer not wanting to explain at that very moment. "Only to find that you weren't. . . You." Looking back up to him, tears threatened to spill over widened eyes, having been more frightened at the Angelus moment than she had shown.

Sorrowful, clueless hues looked down on his love, head canting to the side before responding. "Are you sure that you didn't come to confess about you're little 'fling' with my Childe? Oh yes, I know that you've been fucking William, Lover." A dangerous, yet calm growl escaped tiers as he gripped her arm before she could even react. He stepped back, hauling her with him to the bed where she was violently pushed back onto the crimson comforter. "Did you think that I wouldn't find out? Would never realize that my mate had shagged Spike?"

Buffy could only look up to meet his chocolate depths, completely surprised that Angel. . . Angelus had found out about her and Spike's. . .activities. Hands moved to her front, balling hands into fists as she watched the vampire, wondering how she could get out of the grasp of a crazed, angry, seemingly jealous demon that stood before her at the foot of his bed.

"Was he good?" Voice was deadly calm and Buffy knew from experience that there was more to come. Angelus took one step closer, large hands moving to either side of her legs which hung off the end of the mattress at her knees. He leaned forward, pressing his own lower half against her calves as to pin them between himself and the wooden bed frame so that her legs were nearly immobile. "He is a good fuck, but you. . ." He tisked, a single finger brought into their lines of vision and wagging from side to side. "You, Buffy. . .I'm extremely disappointed in you."

"Sweet, loving Angel left so that you could have a life in the sun and this is how you remember him. He would be even more disappointed than I, don't you think Buff?" A strong hand moved to roughly caress her bare thigh, fingertips slipping under the hem of her skirt, eyes darting hungrily from her legs, slowly up to her angered eyes.

The Slayers eyes narrowed, knowing that any moment she would have to make her move but having a horribly hard time resisting him. Everything screamed Angel, his slow, almost loving caresses which were so because he wanted to take the time to torment her where Angel had wanted the time not to miss a single look of her face. They're eyes were the same, save for the underlying yet chilling glint to them. They were the same body, so many similarities and any move against his actions would have been torture. But Angelus' intentions were anything but loving as he lowered his head so that it hovered just above her stomach. A slow, tantalizing breath was inhaled, a sadistic grin forming. "Looks like you're senses can't quite come to terms with me looking like you're tortured boyfriend and you're body can't help but obey..."

His Slayer only writhed beneath him, Angelus' words stirring something deep within that she knew she should be fighting. Reasoning had to come in somewhere and soon. Buffy brought both hands up and pushed him away, quickly sat up and pounced forward off the end of the bed and towards the door. But with preternatural speed Angelus turned around and caught her by the upper arm, squeezing hard as he violently pulled her into a pair of strong arms which held her there. His head dipped to her ear, whispering with psychotic undertones. "You really don't think that you're going to get away do you, Lover?" Wet warmth surrounded an earlobe as Angelus took the flesh into his mouth and suckled gently, the gesture being so soft that it sent a shiver down Buffy's spine. His movements were slow, strong hands moving inch by inch down her small form. "Didn't think that you were going to rob me of this opportunity...Angel may have been slow and tender when he took your innocence...Spike may have given you the hardest fuck of your life but I'll make you realize that pain and pleasure go hand in hand. How about it Buff?" Large digits gripped her ass before sliding forward over her thighs, four fingers of each hand exploring her inner thighs under the material of her skirt.

Buffy's hips involuntarily jerked forward into his touch as the heat rose to her crotch and cheeks in arousal and slight embarrassment that she would let herself be manipulated by this....Monster. She bent her knees, trying to slip out from under his grasp but he had his arms tight against her lower stomach and was holding her tight against his body. She could feel his hardness against the small of her back and suddenly she began to feel her resolve slipping away only to be replaced by pangs of guilt. "Mmm...Buff, a mans hands on you gets you hot doesn't it? Or is it just a vampire...They're cold hands all over you, cold, thick fingers flicking your hot little clit..." Said fingers slipped under the material of her lace panties and Angelus made a mental note to call her up on those later. "Plunging into you're pussy." Without warning he shoved two fingers into her hot core, causing Buffy to tense up and suck in a sharp breath which sounded much like a hiss.

She tried to slip away with weak knees rebelling against her but the only thing that jolted forward were her hips as the one who had harmed so many of her friends finger-fucked her.

"Ohh, Lover's already wet. . . Come here thinking that you were going to get laid or was it the anticipation after being thrown on the bed that you were going to be fucked into it?" Smooth movements continued, a third thick finger added to the others inside his Slayer's moist slit. "Couldn't have been the previous because you knew that The Soul can't do a damn thing to you if it involves his dick." A sneer at the thought was quickly replaced by a searing grin as a moan filled the room. Her moan.

As soon as the noise had escaped her lips, Buffy clenched her teeth along with her legs. He already knew that she was aroused by the wet juices nearly running down her inner thigh. Now she was vocalizing her pleasure. The slayer couldn't believe that she wasn't even fighting him, he who would going inflict pain before it was all over, this she was sure of. Pain. The reason was almost revealed but the sudden loss between her legs left Buffy thought-less.

"Tell me about Spike, Buff." The young women’s back was still pressed against the vampire's chest, strong arms holding her in place. Bringing a hand up in front of Buffy's face, both of them viewed the pearly come that totally covered three fingers and slowly ran down pallid knuckles.

Spike. That was what she had been looking for. Ever since returning from the dead Buffy hadn't felt anything like herself. She had slept with Spike for crying out loud and not on only one occasion. He made her feel. The pain he loved to inflict made her know that she was alive. Pain, she had grown to have a relationship with pain since having to dig herself out of her own coffin. But somehow, Buffy couldn't grasp the pain now. Couldn't grasp the fact that one person she had loved so much was about to hurt her in his own, perverse, demonic way.

Obsessive. Angel knew about his mate and his childe and wouldn't stop until one or both of them would pay for they're actions. He would take his frustration out on his childe, would punish Spike dearly for taking what was rightfully his. Only after possessing Buffy once more, to claim her body -if not mind- as his.


To be continued. . .

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