The Oscar Fanatic's Oscar Race 2003

Well, this is exactly what this game needs, yet another predicition/oscar race site. But I figure if I'm going to be writing all of this stuff out anyways, I might as well put it out so everyone can see. Be warned though, I have no experience with HTML or anything related to a computer whatsoever, that would explain why this site is up at Angelfire now wouldn't it. Hopefully in the next few days I figure out what exactly I'm doing so I can get my much delayed April Fools predictions online.

4/18/03 -- update --
Well, as it seems I have somehow forgotten Jennifer Connelly from my predictions for best actress, I've decided to add her now. She was in my original five, but during the organization of this site she somehow missed out.
I look to have my Director, Animated, and other categories finished today at sometime as well. Also pictures are coming soon, so I'll no longer be the ugliest website ever! I'm excited.
I'm also adding a reviews section. Simply because I saw David Cronenberg's Spider last night, and no one to talk about it with... sigh.

4/26/03 -- update --
Finally allowed to login after weeks of being shut out unfairly by angelfire (boo!) I really, really hope to get the rest of my categories finished tonight, but if I don't, I'll go ahead and do it tomorrow.
Reviews are being written as I see them and I have another review to post for All the Real Girls.
No new updates in the races section other than completion issues, it'll probably be slow like this until more buzz begins to build around certain films and actors/actresses.

UPDATE 5/20 -- Well, a month has passed by and yet, still no animated, director, or technical categories page. I am toying with the idea of cutting the tech categories completley, being as, I have no clue how to judge what film will score what. Same with aural categories, at least for now. But once I finish with working non-stop I *PROMISE* that I will get Director, Animated, and hell why not even the screenplays page up. OH! In more exciting, prettier news, I think I have someone to help make this page all pretty w/ it's HTMLness. Hooray! Then I can link from other sites... hopefully.

UPDATE 6/10 -- Hey everyone it seems as if someone has finally given a little attention to the new guy in town! Oscar Empire I think Oscar Empire and it's glorious creator shall be my first link to go on the newly added link page. Thanks alot Oscar Empire!
I've made some additions to the shortlists for Acting Categories, but for the most part, the top five remain unchanged... except in the Actor dept. Hoo boy, we got some traffic up in there!
Big news however is The Human Stain, and JM Barrie's Neverland moving to 2004.
I need you guys, the 115 new readers to give me some feedback. What would you all like to see on this page? I can always be reached by email which is on the bottom of the page, so drop me a line if you have any comments!

7/11/03 -- update --
Ok, so after reading a number of other sites, I have learned that the Cate Blanchett/Tommy Lee Jones movie is now set for a 2003 release. How does this effect our lineup for the major races? Quite a bit I'm expecting. Mainly Cate Blanchett will now have to fight herself on the lead actress scene. I still think Veronica Guerin will be the better acting challenge, so I'm going to keep it up for a while, however, the more I read about the Missing, the more I think I should switch the results.
I got my very first piece of mail today on the site. From a very enthusiastic Naomi Watts fan. Naomi Watts has the best fans in the world I swear. So passionate. Naomi has TONS of works lined up for her over the next 3 years...
21 Grams, Le Divorce, Stay, The Assasination of Richard Nixon, We Don't Live Here Anymore, The Painted Veil, I (heart) Huckabee's, Rain Falls, and Plots With a View. That's 9 major roles coming up very soon. Nicole Kidman eat your heart out!
So as you have noticed, if you send me mail, I'll talk about it - it's my way of connecting to my readers. So send me mail! I love it!
Oh is anyone else extremely pissed that the year is half over and there hasn't been on decent oscarbuzz title even close to release yet. (Seabiscuit, but come on, I don't think many people are rushing to the theatre's for that one)

The Categories

Best Picture
Best Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Supporting Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best Foreign Language Film
Best Animated Film
Best Screenplays
