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            Hello, fellow movie fans!  My name is Matt Easterbrook, this is my personal homepage and I'm a movieholic.  Chances are you came to read stuff about movies, not about me.  So here we go.  This page is divided into two separate sections, with hopefully more to be added later as time permits.


         This is by far the largest section of the site, and most popular as well.  Here you'll find all my movie reviews, where I not only give a review of the film, I list the stars, main crew, and any photos I can find.  My ratings system goes on the five-star theory; movies that get five stars are obviously movies I feel very strongly about ... simply put, I love 'em!  Any film that is unfortunate enough to get a one star rating ought to be destroyed.

            I tend to be pretty generous with my reviews; about 75% of the films I review are given three stars or above.  There are a few reasons for this.  First of all, I tend to be easily entertained.  When I go to see a special effects summer movie, I'm not looking for intellectual theories that make Freud and Darwin look like Teletubbies; I just want to have fun and be relatively entertained.  One thing that bothers me about most critics is that they are always looking for substance in films that simply don't have them, and nobody expects them to.  That's why I disagree with a lot of their reviews.

            Another reason for my being rather generous is that I am a human being, and of course am biased towards any films that have a favorite actor of mine in it, or deal with a subject that I follow.  Unlike many critics, I am not ashamed to admit I have this bias.  Just to let you know what I like, I like classic movies (1930s to 1950s), romances, period pieces, and almost anything with Meg Ryan, Robert De Niro, Kate Winslet, Laurence Olivier, and Ralph Fiennes in it.

            As well, each February when the Oscar nominations are announced, I will open up another page that will deal strictly with that year's Oscars.  I will include all the nominations, who I think should win, and who I think will win.  I may also include little bits of Oscar trivia, hopefully each day.

  is a well-known society of online film reviewers, of which I am one.

  is the best Canadian movie site, with up-to-the-minute showtimes.

Essays, stories, and tomfoolery dealing with movies, movies, and ... well, you get the point

My Predictions for the 75th Annual Academy Awards

My Predictions for the 74th Annual Academy Awards

My Predictions for the 72nd Annual Academy Awards

My theory on recent Best Picture Oscar nominations

If Oliver Stone Had Directed Titanic ... my vision of how Stone may have interpreted James Cameron's script

My list of the Top Ten Movies of 1998

My list of the Top Ten Movies of 1999

My list of the Top Ten Movies of 2000

My list of the Top Ten Movies of 2001

My list of the Top Ten Movies of 2002

My list of the Top Ten Movies of 2003 (IN PROGRESS)

          Hope you enjoy my page, and if you have any comments or questions, feel free to e-mail me at:
