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No Time For Toast (2002)

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Time Traveler .............................. Stephen Taylor
President Kennedy .............................. Someone else

Directed by: Erik Klassen
Written by: Erik Klassen
Edited by: Erik Klassen
Camerawork: Erik Klassen
Animation by: Stephen Taylor


by Nine Inch Nails
Album: The Fragile (Right)

Erik Klassen's thoughts of the movie:
Well, I suppose just as David Fincher and so many other big directors did, I started by directing a Music Video (except I did it without the artist's permission, but that is between you and me) and I have to say, despite the fact that it's a little poorly lit and a little blurry and maybe some of the shots did not look the way I had hoped, I am still more than "Please"d with its turn-out. I once again have proved to myself what a talented man I am.

Stephen Taylor's thoughts of the movie:
I love directing and all, but sometimes it's fun to just act in a movie and have a director tell you what to do, especially if it's a good movie. I was lucky, this was one of those movies. Erik came to me originally wanting me to write a song for a Time Travel music video (original concept, I know). After he told me the plot I started my creative music juices, but just like most evrything else I got lazy and bored with it. It would have been a lengthy and complicated process. I then had Adam to help write the song; that didn't help much at all. Finally me and Erik threw in NIN The Fragile left disk, looking for a song, and we found it. It was track 5 "Please". We heard Trent (Reznor... if you don't know who that is then your stupid, or cool, depending on who you are. For example: if Adam didn't know who Trent Reznor was then I'd slap him across the head and say, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" while at Erik or MC's house. If Keri didn't know who Trent Reznor was then I'd say; "Your still cool but now I must train you in the ways of NIN-Fu" and so on) say the word "Time". At that moment we decided that "Please" was our song. We filmed it in a few hours; during the filming I decided that it would be cool if my hair style changed with the times. I also thought it would be cool to have different NIN videos suitable to the time period playing on the TV. I also did the little world-emplodey animation at the end of the movie. I thought it was a great addition to our collection of movies. If only the acting wasn't so bad......................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... stupid crappy acting.