I've Been Missing You

SCENE: WNYX, Mathew and Dave are talking late after all of the new staff has left

Mathew:  David, do you miss everyone? 

Dave: (with a sad look thinking about Lisa) Yes, it’s been a year since we last saw them, but we got a letter from them last week.  They’re fine.

Mathew:  Yes, I know but I think we should go visit them.  I want some adventure, and you need some too.

Dave:  Okay, fine.

Mathew:  Great! Can I bring my cats?

Dave: NO!!


SCENE: ‘The Daily Jimmy’ Lisa is looking out of her office window in the direction of New York

Lisa: (sighs) I wonder what Dave is up to.

Beth: (entering)  Lisa, did I just hear you right?  You were wondering about Dave?!

Lisa:  Oh be quiet Beth!  I have a husband, and besides I wrote him a letter last week.  I’m sure he’s fine.

SCENE:  Mathew and Dave are in the car on their way to NH, Mathew is trying to get Dave to play 20 Questions.

Mathew:  Please Dave.  I wanna play.

Dave:  No!  That game is too childish, besides we only have we’re going to New Hampshire.

Mathew:  Someone’s a bit cranky. 

(Dave glares at him and he looks away)

Dave:  Mathew, if I tell you a secret, do you promise not to tell anyone?

Mathew:  Yes, I’ll keep it a secret as well as I did when I didn’t tell anyone about it you becoming the new news director.

Dave:  (Dave gives him a “are you kidding” look)  Yeah that worked out great, thank you for that, by the way.  Anyway, do you want to know the reason why I am coming to New Hampshire?

Mathew:  Dave, I know that already.  You wanted some adventure.

Dave:  Well, no I wanted to come because I have discovered recently that I still love Lisa.  I have ever since she went ahead with that sham marriage to Johnny. 

(Mathew is shocked)  So, are you going to tell her when we get to New Hampshire?

Dave:  Well I don’t know actually.  I’m going to get into the friendship thing again first.

Mathew:  You are the sly one Mr. Grinch. 

(Dave laughs and continues driving)


SCENE:  ‘The Daily Jimmy,’ Lisa is writing a letter

Joe:  Hey dude, whatcha doing?

(She quickly covers up the letter) Oh, I’m just writing a letter to Johnny.  He’s up for parole soon, ya know.

Joe:  Oh well that’s great, maybe him and me could hang out if he gets out.

Lisa:  Yeah yeah sure.  Can I finish this in private please?

Joe:  Sure dude.  Go ahead.

(Joe leaves and Beth and Max come in)

Lisa:  What do you all want?

Max:  Well, Ms. Prissy.  We wanted your opinion on something. (Beth nods)

Lisa:   Okay, hurry it up.  I have to finish this letter.

Beth:  Okay, who do you think is cooler Bart Simpson or Bender the Robot?

(Lisa is disgusted)  I don’t know!! Bart I guess.

Max:  Fine!! I knew you’d take her side.

Beth:  Thank you Lisa.  (She runs out of the room happily after Max)

(Lisa sighs and goes to sit down at her desk to finish the letter when Jimmy walks in)

Jimmy:  Hey sweetie!  I was wondering if you would like to go out to lunch. 

Lisa:  Sorry sir.  I’m busy with this letter to Johnny and….. (He takes it from her)

Jimmy:  Well this is interesting.  Why would you- Lisa Miller Johnson be writing a letter to Dave Nelson, your ex?!

Lisa:  Alright you forced it out of me.  I miss him, I want to know if he got my latest letter yet.  I think I still love him.

Jimmy:  Wow!  Well, I think that we’re in for another fighting-sleeping together episode. 

Lisa:  Sir, why why do you say that? (She getting nervous as he whistles)

(Mathew runs in and hugs Lisa:  Oh, Lisa I’ve missed you.

(Forces him off and he falls)  Okay Mathew, I get it.

(as he enters Dave) : Hello Lisa.

Lisa:  Dave! What are you doing here?! 

Dave:  Mathew thought I needed some adventure and dragged me here….

Mathew:  And he also wanted to come because…

(Dave pushes him back onto the floor before he can finish.)

Lisa:  What was he saying?  Dave, do you have some secret agenda being here?  Like wanting to steal my job as editor?

Dave:  No, no no.  I’m just here to get excitement back in my life.  Let’s go see everyone.

Jimmy:  Oh, it’s great to see you kids talking again face to face and not through stupid letters.

Lisa:  What problem to you have with the Postal System Jimmy?

Jimmy:  Oh, it’s just that… I gotta go.

(They all 4 walk out into the main room of ‘The Daily Jimmy’)

Max, Joe, and Beth:  Mathew!  You finally came to visit us!

Mathew:  But of course!  Poor David here was needing some excitement and I decided “Let’s go up to good ole New Hampshire and see our buds.

Beth:  Well, I’m glad you came, I’ve been arguing with Max for days over who’s cooler between Bart Simpson and Bender the Robot.

Mathew:  Doesn’t he know it’s Bart?!

Beth:  I’ve been trying to tell him that, sheesh!

Joe:  Dave, dude how you been?  I’ve been working on a new duct tape model.  This one is waterproof and very hard to get unstuck!

Dave:  Wow, Joe.  Keep me posted. (He says this with a little annoyance)


SCENE:  WNHX, Dave is already scooping out the News Director’s office

Jimmy:  So, Dave my boy, how do you like it?

Dave:  Feels like you all never left and this is my WNYX office.

Jimmy:  Actually, Dave this is your office from New York, I sold WNYX to Ted Turner and you can work here now.

Dave:  (Shocked)  Are you serious sir?  I mean I, uh sure I’ll work here!

Jimmy:  Great, I’m sure everyone’s going be so happy you decided to do that.

Dave:  Why do you say that?

Jimmy:  Cause I already hired them back!

(Everyone enters and they start to celebrate)

Max:  Dave, it is going to be wonderful to work for you again.

Dave:  Oh yes Max I can’t wait to keep you from the breakroom again.

Lisa:  I can’t wait to cover the primaries again.  (She starts going off on all sorts of boring election stuff, meanwhile everyone but Dave is leaving the room to party)

Dave:  Lisa, I have something to tell you.

(She’s rambling so much, she doesn’t hear him)

Dave:  For god sakes Lisa, shut up about elections.  I need to talk to you.

(Lisa snaps out of it) :  I’m sorry Dave did you say something?  I’m sorry I get too caught up in elections, they’re too exciting.

Dave:  Well, you need to shut up about them sometime.  Some people trying to talk to you went you do that can get really annoyed.

Lisa:  Well, excuse me!  I can’t help it if no one likes what I like.

Dave:  Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, just shut up, you’re ruining my first day as the new news director.

Lisa:  You don’t mean?!

Dave:  That’s right sweetheart (he’s said that sarcastically) I’m boss here at WNHX and your little ‘Daily Jimmy’ is going down.

Lisa:  Oh, you just bring it on.


SCENE:  Jimmy’s ‘cabin’  Dave is organizing his room

Dave:  Ahh, coffee maker.  I’ve missed you so much.  I think we’re going to have a good time here.

(Lisa enters):  Dave, are you okay?

Dave:  Not speaking to you, not since that incident this morning.

Lisa:  Fine, I’ll just leave you alone with your precious coffee maker.

Dave: Fine!

(The lights are completely out as we hear Lisa run in a certain direction)

A/N  Please review this.  I’m working on writing a season 6, you know the one that never happened.  4 reviews and I’ll put episode 2 on.


Season 4

8b) Haven't We Met Before?

Season 6
1) I've Been Missing You

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