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Nate's Skate Footy Site



Yo, here's my web page I'm going to be using to link to all my

skate footage I've captured. Filming's my new hobby, since I'm

always hurt. There's gonna be alota sick stuff like Hammers, bails

and me rolling my ankle all the time (and I'm sure it'll happen

even more as the summer goes on). So check out all the stuff I

got below, and keep comin' back, I'll always be posting new stuff.

You'll need QuickTime to view the clips.(QuickTime download page)








Greg Wilson Death Rail                                       Me Rolling My Ankle Hard





Jakes Kickflip FS Board Fall                                 Jakes 5-0 Grind Gone Bad





Tyler Lynch Age 11 Big Kickflip                            Tyler Lynch's Insane Drop In





Tyler Lynch's Long Ass 5050                                Tyler Lynch Frontside Flip Gap





Marcus Sweeny Switch Box Heel                          Marcus Switch Frontside Board





Dylan. Rodrigo TX Steez                                     Josh Garbage Ollie. Switch.