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Actors of Inuyasha

~01/20/04~ Wow, our first day...We had just started a site yesterday on Expage, but my friend ((cough cough)) told me that Angelfire was a WAY better server. He was right! ^^ Soon, we'll ave more pages posted, and all that jazz...Hopefully.>< We try our best. Anyways. Our e-mail is Yep. Yahoo. Okay, anyhow. Any and all updates will be posted here, until we make an updates page. >< Aghhhh...Maybe we'll use the old site. Yeah. Also: Since we live in Georgia, we'll provide information on any conventions we feel will be in the interests of our readers. ex: AWA SOLAR Dragon*Con, etc. And we'll be posting Guest Lists on the Convention Page too. We have high hopes for this site. By the way! We like fanart and fanfiction too! Soon we'll have an Fanworks page. Please link all fanworks to your own page, and we'll provide a thumbnail for images, and an excerpt for prose, and linkies for both, until we can convince our Mom to let us have a website we can pay for. >< Wazo. Anyway, it's 5:30PM here in Marietta. Dinner time, and I, K-chan, am cooking. D-chan will write tomorrow. ^^ D-chan:*bow bow* Shirimasen wa daijoubu! K-chan: Errrr, sis, those ain't words. D-chan:...Oh. ><' Both: Bai bai! ~Signing off~ K-chan and D-chan ~01/20/04~ Whoa...It's only 5:31 pm, and we were just checking the site. The links don't work! Nooooooo! We must fix this! TROUBLESHOOTERS TO THE RESCUE! BAIBAI! K-chan and D-chan

Main Characters in Inuyasha

Pick Your Road...
