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Set 1 --15th Jan 03
Set 2 --31st Jan 03
Set 3 -- 9th Feb 03

See me live on my webcam. View My Webcam
See me live on my webcam.

Best friend


Heya I'm Suzi the owner of this "great" site. I'm 15 born on May 11th 87. I live in Dublin ,Ireland with my parents and 18 year old sister o n my pets Bailey , Misty , Sunni n Bobbi. I like Sport soccer and hockey mainly and I like the color pink , shopping , guys and the usual stuff.. I hav blond hair and brown eyes and my ears and belly pierced. When i'm older I wana be famous but then again who doesn't!! Please sign the guestbook n 2 ne bitch's reading this IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY STYLE .. LEAVE.

Right Now

Date:March 2nd 2003
Time: 5.30pm
Wearing:navy string top and white hipstars
Surfin: nothing Listening to:Nelly (Country Grammer)!
Talking to:cat
Thinking about:(being sick)



1st Go to Cinema + Match
2nd Sick
3rd Skool
4th PANCAKE Tuesday
5th Half day
6th -
7th Friday!!
8th Have friends over
9th Relaxing day
10th Monday skool :(
11th Half day
12th Half day
14th Friday!!
15th Fireworks
21st Friday!!
24th hospital oppiontment
26th Half day
27th Half day
28th Friday
29th Ireland soccer match
30th Ireland rugby match

Blog Archives

JUNE 2002
JULY 2002


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URL or Email


Sat 29th March 2003

Heya i'm all happy now cuz Ireland won their match! i'm sitting here all kitted out in my Ireland jersey and slippers! Yesterday I went over to Collettes with Ro and we watched The Sweetest Thing i've seen it 3 times now but I still luv it.

I need new music for my site cuz I'm getting to the point of wanting to kill Thug Luvin!! but the site I got it from closed and Trixie girls music doesn't work that well. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE any suggestions??!!! I'm on my knees here!!

I dunno what i'm doing 2day I had plans but they got all fucked up for 1 reason or another so I guess i'm just gunna be hanging around somewhere.

Usually on a Saturday I have this horrible feeling that I have skool soon but not this week cuz I have a free week no skool ah good old sleep. Why is almost every site on fucking hiatus!?!?!?!! All my fave sites have taken a break at the same time so now I have no where to look at on the net pleaseeeee pleaseeee update again!!!

I need new cam pics I know but I never find the time to take them but the minute I do i'l post a update saying so.. I'm trying to think of news but basicly .. yeh I can't because at the moment I can't say I have much .. so yep I'm off to watch some tv before I go out.

Suzi blogged out at 7.07pm

Fri 28th March 2003

Hey whats up with some people?? weird guestbook enteries? strange people!!

Its getting all dull and rainy agian!!!! nooooooooo!!!

I need to get up some more new cam pics soon......

I'l update again 2moro this is just a small quick entery cuz I wanna go watch Eastenders!! bye

Suzi blogged out at 8.00pm

Weds 26th March 2003

Hey people , I can't believe how gorgeous it is...

Yeh the weather is fucking beutiful the last 2 weeks. Its like Summer has already come.. today we got off skool at 1.30pm and it was a lazy skool day. A couple of lads in my year did a sponsered swim so we all went out to the skool pool and sat on the steps in the sunshine watching them and talking which is so much better than double tutor!!. Tommrow we have a half day again which is great and I have no skool next week because i'm not going on the outdoor persuits week!!!!!! :D well cya 4 now!!

Suzi blogged out at 3.40pm

Sun 23rd March 2003

What a weekend....

On Friday I have to admit it was pretty boring I wasn't in skool and I watched Sky news all day!! the high point was my mum gave me a lemon smirnoff ice (sexy).

On Saturday Tori came over , so her Collette and Maaire were all in my house when we decided we wanted to get competley pissed so we got our money and went down to the shop and got a fair bit of drink bacardi breezers and beer! Then Roisin came and we headed up to the park making a shit load of noise. We were talking to alot of people from our estate and they were really nice. Even the lads who I thought were a bit I duno... Then the guards came and were telling us to keep it down but they were grand they didn't threaten to lock us up or anything because we had all pretty much sobered up by that stage! Back in my house we went on webcam here's a pic of that

Collette and Tori stayed over and we just went on cam and watever and yeh it was fun

Today me , Tori and Collette went into town just window shopping mainly but I got a playboy bunny belly bar and a playboy bunny ring look here

It's kinda big , it could leave a pretty nasty mark if I punched someone haha!! at the moment it's almost 11.00pm and I hav a hospital appointemnt 2morrow so no skool!!!

AS YA CAN PROBABLY TELL I FIXED MY WEBCAM The way I see it is I had fun and I didn't hurt anybody in the process so it shouldn't matter.

well cya soon

Suzi blogged out at 10.47pm

Fri 21st/22nd March 2003 (3.00am)

Heya it's 3.00 and i'm off 2 bed in a sec! I can't sleep i'm all hyped up from drinking Sprite and Smirnoff Ice!

I just came by to say I fixed my cam thank god so i'll probably be on cam 2moro night!! alright people sign the board or booK!!

Suzi blogged out at 3.20am

Fri 21st March 2003

Long time no update but yeh i'm such a lazy boring ass sumtimes!!! Thanx 2 all the people who told me which colour suited me best. It was blonde by the way.

Not much happens in my skool week .. well nothing you guys would give a fuck about so theres no point in writing about gossip from skool at the moment.

The war is so bad people!! I was watching the news 2day and already people have died. GOD REST THEIR SOULS.

It's getting sunnier these days!! 2day was lovley it was warm and sunny and FRIDAY ... WEEKEND!!

O yeh that reminds me!! (angry face) my cam isnt working online at the moment so I gotta try fix it soon!! i'm so pissed off about that!!


It's one of my fave radio stations! just go to the link and click on live streaming on the left side of the page and listen live for free obviously!!.... lifestyle of the rich and the famousssssssssssss!!! ;D

Well neways I gotta go.cya

Suzi blogged out at 5.10pm

Mon 17th March 2003


Yesterday me , Co , Maire and Roisin went to Lesuireplex (acrade place) we walked aswell about 30 minuite walk then we saw this girl Tara who used to be in the band BELLFIRE in McDonalds then we requested songs on the jukebox in Lesuireplex and sat on the pool tables. After my parents brought me to a resturant for dinnear and were prepared to buy me a Bacardi Breezer! (yum)

2day it's Paddy's day the day 2 be IRISH. My mum and dad , me and Co went to Wexford for the day and me and Co found out some good news!! ;P we also painted my room in Wexford pink and blue it's so cool!!! Can't belive it's almost time for skool again!! better go cya!!

Suzi blogged out at 10.57pm

Sat 15th March 2003

Hows everyone?

I really need 2 kno so tell me which looks better!!

Sometimes I hav alot of news but I forget at least half when I go to write it!!.....

Yesterday me , Ro , Maire and Collette went over to Collette's and watched Moulin Rouge (it's such a weird film!) I was sitting there going (WHAT THE FUCK , Was the director stoned when he was making this??!!) After Collette stayed over in my house.

2day me and Collette went to the Sky Fest (fireworks) it was fucking deadly we went to the pier in Dun Lagoire and sat on the wall watching them it was a perfect view aswell. Then my mum took us out for food.

I luv Paddy's weekend and I luv being IRISH

2moro i'm buying lotsa pink paint for my room in Wexford because I was 2 busy 2day to get it!! and on Monday i'm off 2 Wexford for the day!

I'm sure i'l update 2moro!!


Suzi blogged out at 1.00am

Weds 12th March 2003

Hello cool people how's life? Monday I was sick.. Tuesday I went into skool at 11.00 only to find out it was a half day and we got off at 12.40! meaning I only went in for 2 classes!! (double drama) and all the girls in my class weren't there so it was me and all the guys!!! But it wasn't bad :D

2day was alrite not much is happening to me at the moment i'm a boring person!! but yeh I watched Corrie wit mad Richard me and Ro were laughing at it so much!! (I LOVE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUU) if your wondering what i'm on about you haven't seen Corrie.

Well yep i'm off again but i'l be back soon..........

Suzi blogged out at 11.00pm

Sun 9th March 2003

Freddie Ljungberg

Who saw the documenty on him 2nite on Sky 1? I DID!!!

Sundays are so fucking boring!! All I did was stay inside and watch tv and Collette and Roisin called over. Sundays are always dull tough I mean all the good shops are closed and tv shows stupid programmes that i've already seen about 60 times , it on starts to get better at around 8pm when Sky 1 shows good tv programmes.

Collette and Roisin were at the shops 2day when a group of about 8 skangers (rough teenagers) tried 2 start a fight one was in Roisin's face saying she was going to bait her (beat her up) so Roisin slapped her accross the face then another punched Collette so she kicked her in the leg and then her and Roisin ran.

Well I probably have skool 2moro even though I have a virus!! so nite nite

Suzi blogged out at 10.02pm

Sat 8th March 2003

Hello a lil pic

Hey it's offialy Sunday because it's 2.00am. Me , Tori and Co made a lil video thing on my cam corder it was so funny!! we were pissing our selves laughing when we watched the finished tape.

I saw A walk to remember yesterday and OMG I THINK JAMIE IS SO SWEET! LANDON IS JUST H.O.T ,

I'm reading a list of fake popular sites there so weird. This girl signed my guestbook 2day abusing me I was like ok freak why the fuck wud you waste your time on the internet going to sites and abusing them?! LOSER GIRL

I don't really have much news to be honest I wana see Maid in Manhatten and i'm half asleep here so i'm guna shoot off 2 my bed and if theres any more news i'l update 2moro!!


Suzi blogged out at 2.40am

Weds 5th March 2003

Hey I had my mock interview 2day I think I did ok! A mock interview is basicly our whole year make fake CV's and apply for a fake job and get interviewed by a fake employer!! I don't think I did to bad but I messed up in a few small ways , ah well it's not real

Wana Vote 4 me please?? go HERE

We watched A knights tale in skool 2day and i'm starting to go bak to my Heath Ledger obbession!! ;D

2day was really nice and sunny so I was all happy I luv when it's Spring and the sun shines and you know it's comming closer to Summer and you know it's getting warmer and people are all hapopy and.... :D , I got 3 new disposiable camera's yay lotsa new pics soon... well wen I take sum..

Why do people pretend to be something their not?? Does it get to the point where they autually believe their something their not? What's the point? What does it achieve? I don't get it!!

Ya know Super Mario? i'm getting addicted to that since Ro persauded me to play it again , I love Super Mario 3

Well yeh i'm off 4 now.


Suzi blogged out at 8.34pm

Tues 4th March 2003



That's a better pic of me with brown hair taken yesterday.

I'm sick still it's horrible I was out of skool 2day aswell but I'm going in 2moro i'm pretty sure. Monday I left skool early because I kept having coughing fits and I felt terrible so I went to nurse n then this guy from my year came in n we were just talking and after awhile I was like "It's 11.30 isn't she out until 1" and sure enough she doesn't come back to her room until 1!! so we were walking around looking for her 4 ages until we found her n then I got to go home!! well autually I went into town n got lunch , went to ARGOS
and got THIS RING
except ya can't see any red. and I'm wearing THIS BELLY BAR

in Boot's I got a few make-up stuff like eyeshadows etc.. then I went home

I mite be goin 2 a under 18's nite in Soho in town!! I hope so!!


Suzi blogged out at 11.15pm

(LATER) Sun 2nd March 2003

Heya just a tiny update. This is a cam pic from 2day of me with my brown hair , yeh I luk weird but i'm sick ok so leave me alone!!

So yeh since earlier not much has happened , Roisin , Collette and Maire came over 4 awhile and I think Roisin and Collete are fighting which sux I hate when my friends fite because it's all arkward and silent and your stuck in the middle!
Well I gotta go to sleep so cya lata

Suzi blogged out at 1.40am

********************************************************** Sun 2nd March 2003

Yet again i'm sick. I swear I shud just stick a sign on my forehead that says "PERMINTLY SICK"
Yeh my hair is brown now!! it'l wash out in a week or two tho! I'l take a cam pic of it after my shower and post it up here at about 8 or 9ish.
I havent been on cam in awhile but at some stage this week I will be PROMISE
On Friday I had double home ec and double games so I made Carmel Slices (yum) and then it was pissing rain and there was huge puddles and mud everyhere so we were inside for games and had a choice of soccer , netball or rugby! My friends chose rugby so I went with them! it was so much fun tho there was 15 of us on the mud swamped rugby pitch and everyone was just pushing each other over into the mud so we were all COMPLEATLY brown , apperently I wasn't muddly enough so 6 of them grabbed me pused me over and dragged me accross the mud by my legs! it was such a laugh though and a great way 2 end my skool week!!

I saw The Ring again it wasn't so scary this time tho and it was amusing listening to everyones reactions at the scary bits when I knew they were comming! Collette got really pissed off with a group of girls who kept screaming and wanted to hop on them (beat them up) but I stopped her (being the gud child that I am) then we missed our bus and walked home at 10.00pm and it was freazing and dark but it was fun. Then me , Co and a stoned Roisin watched a film.

2day I watched a soccer match and I feel horrible so thats about it for now. I'l update again 2nite!


Suzi blogged out at 5.45pm

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