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It All Started With the Fall of Absolutism...

Check Out This Fantabulousitylishificationnessosity

About Us (And Our Brilliant Selves)
Updates for 'HINT'
Potential 'HINT' Filming Dates
Cast List for 'HINT'
Cast Notes for 'HINT'
Techie Notes for 'HINT'
The Magic Happenings of November 22nd and 23rd, 2003
General/Site Updates
'Joy to the World' Lyrics (A Must-Read)

Welcome welcome welcome...

So while at lunch (or whatever you can legally call my alleged ''lunch'') the other day, I was complaining about how I have to tell all of the 20-or-so cast members in 'HINT' (which doesn't even include techies and extras, etc.) about every little thing...and how incredibly (pathetically) annoying that is. Then Charlie says ''Why don't you guys just make a website and when they ask you about filming dates and such, just say 'check the site' and not have to worry about it?'' (or something to that know what I mean...) So this revelation-slash-brilliant idea of Charlie's is what sparked the creation of this wonderously bodacious website. So whenever you have a question pertaining to times of filming, dates of filming, who's who in the cast, etc, you can generally just come here and check it! Is that beautiful or what? It certainly brings tears to my eyes...oh, this is Jen, by the way. I've unofficially taken over the roll of webmistress of our site, given I have my own website already running. But worry not, you that adore and idolize Rachael, because either (1) I'll get her versed in site-making and we'll both update or (2) I'll just add whatever she know the drill. And here's a thought for some of you that may make you more interested...I'll most likely update this site more now than my other one...which one would hope for, considering my site doesn't get all that much attention anymore. I must admit, the using of caps all the the beginnings of sentences and names and quite aggravating, but I suppose I should probably try and be semi-official with this. ::sigh:: Oh well...I'll get used to it. Maybe. Eventually. Yeah. Anyways, I should probably get started on the actual content now, so check stuff out and leave suggestions in whichever place is appropriate (guestbook, whatever). So until we see you next, I'll leave you with this ever-popular theme song:

They're Pinky and the Brain
Yes Pinky and the Brain
One is a genius
The other's insane
They're laboratory mice
They're genes and they're spliced
They're Pinky, they're Pinky and the Brain Brain Brain Brain
Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain
Before each night is done
Their plan will be unfurled
By the dawning of the Sun
They'll take over the world
Before each night is done
Their plan will be unfurled
By the dawning of the Sun
They'll take over the world
They're Pinky and the Brain
Yes Pinky and the Brain
Their twilight campaign
Is easy to explain
To prove their mousy worth
They'll overthrow the Earth
They're dinky, they're Pinky and the Brain Brain Brain Brain
Brain Brain Brain Brain NARF!!

Remind you of anyone??? hehe...

OK more...

Rubber duckie, you're the one
You make bathtime lots of fun
Rubber duckie, I'm awfully fond of you
Vo vo vo dio
Rubber duckie, joy of joys
When I squeeze you you make noise
Rubber duckie, you're my very best friend it's true! (haha Rachael!! it's true!!)
Everyday when I make my way to the tubbie
I find a little fella who's cute and yella and chubby
Rub a dub dubby
Rubber Duckie, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine
Rubber Duckie, I'm awfully fond of you

OK...back to business...I'm done now, I swear.

::big dramatic silence::

::takes a deep breath::

::seems as though she's about to sing::

::shrugs it off and goes and eats some crepes::

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