Finding Yourself in Middle Earth by Anonymous
Chapter 2
Tom Foxburr

Lila felt and smell warm tickly glass all around her. She could hear birds singing. And could hear the wind blow through the trees “I don’t want this dream to end” Lila thought to self keeping her eyes shut tight even though she was awake. All of a sudden Lila heard feet coming near her and she couldnt help but feel the uncomfortable feeling that someone was staring at her. She opened one eyed and saw a cute adorable face of a young man with curly hair staring right down at her. He jumped back in surprise when he saw that she was awake. “Im sorry to awake you fair maiden. But I was just surprised to meet a human here.” he said and even his voice was cute. Lila opened both eyes and sat up looking curiously at this short young man. “Where am I” she thought. “Um excuse me,” she said politely.

“Yes, fair maiden?”

“I was wondering, about where I happen to be?”

“Oh I see, So your traveling and decided to rest here by night. You have now reached the Shire.”

“The shire? That name sounded oddly familiar.” Lila thought to herself. She didnt say anything back but sat there thinking and trying to remember what had happened last night.

“Are you hungry from your travels? Would you like a biscuit with Milk? Or perhaps some cheese.” the attractive short young man asked.

Lila’s stomach rumbled. She hadn’t eaten since the theater and she was rather hungry. “If you don’t mind. That would be awesome. Thanks for being so kind.”

“Its no trouble at all, fair maiden.”He replied

“Why does he keep calling me that? Who now a days talks like that? Not to mention the clothes he’s wearing. Maybe when I fell asleep last night some country hick picked me up and left me here.”

“This way” He said. Lila got up and followed him. She was a lot taller then him but he was so cute that Lila thought she wouldn’t mind the fact that he was a little short and she’d love to go out with him.

As soon as Lila reached his house she knew where she was. “It was a hobbit hole! The shire was in the movie last night. Does this mean that she, herself, Lila was in middle earth? This must be a dream, I must be dreaming.” She began pinching herself. “Oh my God! Holy sh*t!” she said out loud.

The handsome short young man who was obviously a hobbit looked at her puzzled. “What’s wrong my fair maiden? And what is this holy sh*t that you speak of?”

“On nothing, sorry about my french. And my name is Lila so you don’t have to continue calling me fair maiden.”

The hobbit looked at her as if she had just made him more confused but then said. “Lila, what a beautiful name. And Im sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Tom Foxburr.”

“Tom huh?” Lila thought to herself “This really must be a dream.”

“Well come on inside and I’ll get your breakfast.” He said opening the door to the hobbit hole. “Watch your head of course.”

Lila followed Tom inside with her head lowered and looked around. It was a cozy warm hobbit hole. With bright pictures on the wall, and a nice warm fire blazing in the hearth. When they reached the kitchen it excited her even more. The nice smell of home grown vegetables dwelled inside it. And there were tons of shiny pots and pans all around and spices hanging on the walls, and in the fire place it looked as if a nice chicken soup was being cooked.

“I have biscuits, cheese, bacon, tomatos, mushrooms.” Tom said looking around through the cabinets.

“Mmm all of the above sounds delicious. What would you recommend?” Lila asked

“How bout some nice fried tomatos and some nice crispy bacon?”

“Sounds great.”

Lila sat down and watched Tom fry the tomatoes and bacon. She felt happy. Her heart felt light and merry and all her troubles seemed to vanish. As the smell of bacon filled the room. Lila’s stumbled grumbled. “Ooh excuse me.” said Lila blushing. “It just smells so good.”

“Its alright.” Tom said with a smile. “The smell makes me hungry too.”

“I cant be dreaming.” Lila thought as soon as she took her first bite. “This food taste so real.” the food was delicious and her and Tom spent the whole breakfast chatting happily and enjoying the taste of fried tomatoes and bacon.

The day continued with much fun as Lila and Tom went out walking. With tom showing her all the sites and introducing her to other hobbits. Who eyed her suspiciously and curiously.

“Don’t mind them.” Tom assured her. “There not used to seeing your kind here. The only human that come around here is King Aragorn.who comes very seldom, to see Frodo Baggin, Samwise Gamgee, Merry Brandybuck, and Peregrin Took.”

“Oh like in the movie!” Lila said aloud.

“What?” Tom asked with a look of curiosity on his face.

“Oh, nothing. Nevermind.”

Tom looked and her oddly but then began to talk again. “Merry Brandybuck and Peregrin Took are heros of the shire. When I was a young lad we were being controlled by this horrible man called Sharky and they came back from who knows where, and helped us all fight together against him and all his followers.

“But isn’t Frodo your true hero? I mean if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t have any freedom to fight for.”

“What do you mean?” Tom began. But Lila butted in.

“He destroyed the ring of power and if he didn’t all of middle earth would be in power of the dark Lord. And you obviously would be under his power as well. So I think You should honor Frodo, Samwise, Pippin, and Merry. Not just Pippin and Merry.” Lila insisted (who heard most of the story from her ex-boyfriend)

“I see.” Tom said who really didn’t see.

“Good, and even though most of the other hobbits don’t understand what Frodo did for the love of the shire atleast you will.”

Tom studied her face and then said. “Well since you like Frodo so much would you like to see him?”

“I guess so...” Lila said trying to hide the excitement of meeting Frodo.

“Well then. Lets go see him.” He looked up at Lila and smiled. “I hope you won’t find him more pleasing to be around then me.”

“Of course I won’t. Who would be a more pleasant and good looking Hobbit as Tom Foxburr?”

Tom blushed when she said this and looked down at the ground. “This way” he said leading Lila *meanwhile still looking at the ground up to a lovely cozy hobbithole, the nicest one Lila had seen all day, “Isn’t it lovely? any Hobbit would die to live at Bag End.” he knocked lighty at the door. A cute chubby faced hobbit answered the door holding a young hobbit in his arms. “Hi, Sam” Tom said politly
“Hi Tom.” Sam muttered looking up at Lila. “Might you introduce me to your friend.”

“Oh yes, of course.” began Tom. But Lila interrupted. “How do you do Sam, my name is Lila and I am very pleased to meet you.” she said with a courtesy.

“And I to meet you.” Sam said back. He then called out. “Mister Frodo, we have company. Tom Foxburr is here and he is here with a fair lass named Lila.

“Show them in.” Frodo called back.

Lila smelt the smell of pipeweed as she stepped/ducked inside and saw what was a very handsome but worn out and tired hobbit sitting on a chair smoking his pipe in front of a fireplace. When he saw her he immediately put his pipe down and forced a smile. “How do you do?” he said politely. He then turned to Tom “Hello, Tom. How are you?”

“Im good. Thanks for asking. Im sorry I came uninvited but I wanted to introduce you to Lila she is traveling and is passing through these parts and I don’t know how long she’ll be here. And she seemed interested in seeing you. So I came.”

“Its alright. I always enjoy company. But how is it she’s so interested in seeing me?”

“Well who wouldn’t be?” Lila began, “It is because of you we are here talking so peacefully and enjoying the bright shining sun, and the smell of flowers. You saved Middle Earth.”

Frodo looked pleased to be getting so much credit, as he wasn’t accustom to the hobbits caring much. “Please sit down and tell us from where you traveled from.”

“Well...I....Dont know exactly.” Lila began.

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