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Welcome to the sorting page! This is the spot where your house will be chosen. All you have to do is read the questions below and neomail your answers to Darth_Frodo. When answering the questions simply put down the number of the question and the choice you have made,(Ex: 1-d, 2-b, 3-a and so on). That way we will not have to sort through the question sheet each time and you won`t have to send a long neomail. Don`t worry! There are only 11 questions to answer so it won`t take long! But make sure you answer all of them though! We need the results for all the questions to deside which house is best for you!

So here we go:

#1 Where would you want to live?

a) Rivendell
b) The Shire
c) Way down below in Moria
d) In a huge magnificent tower
e) In a strong stone fortess

#2 What is your weapon of choice?

a) A sword
b) A bow and arrows
c) An Axe
d) A staff
e) A short sword or dagger. Or if all else fails a rock or pot will do!

#3 How would you describe yourself?

a) Wise
b) Old
c) Cunning
d) Strong
e) Humble

#4 How many meals do you eat a day?

a) As much as I can get!
b) At least 5 times!
c) About 3 times.
d) 1 time maybe...
e) Eat! Eating is below me!

#5 How tall are you?

a) 3-4 feet
b) 4-5 feet
c) 5-6 feet
d) Around 6 feet
e) 6 feet or taller

#6 Do you have:

a) Pointy ears
b) Hairy feey
c) A big bushy beard (even if you are a girl)
d) A long white beard
e) None of the above.

#7 What pair of colours are your favourite?

a) Green & Tan
b) Silver & Blue
c) Gold & Black
d) Black & Red
e) Green & Blue

#8 What is your favorite meal?

a) Lembas
b) Meat!!! And lots of it!
c) Some bread and butter and maybe some soup too
d) A pint of ale with bread and butter and some nice stew and maybe some tea to go along and some nice potatoes with some fried fish and maybe some of Elves`s Lembas and I can`t forget the soup and some a few tea cakes and some turkey and some bacon and sausages and ..........
e) I don`t eat at all.

#9 What is the Quest to destroy the One Ring to you?

a) The worlds last hope
b) A test of leadership
c) Battle practise
d) The adventure of my life
e) My responsibility

#10 Which of these classes would be your favorite to take?

a) Woodshop
b) The Art of Magic
c) Herbs and Healing
d) Ancient History
e) Swordsmanship and Weaponry

#11 Which House do you want to be in?

a) Hobbits
b) Wizards
c) Elves
d) Humans
e) Dwarves

Remember to send in your answers to darth_frodo soon so we can tell you which house you will be in.

Thank you!!!

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