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lots and lots of quizzes

Congratulations! You're the most gorgeous piece of
scenery in Rivendell, and everyone knows it!
You've also managed to accumulate a huge fan
base, just by looking pretty. Go you! Maybe
they won't notice how useless you are...

Which oft-overlooked LotR character are you?
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I think it's official, you are obsessed!

How obsessed with LOTR are you?
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yay!!!!i'm obsessed!

My ideal mate is Aragorn!

Who is your Ideal Lord of the Rings (male) Mate?
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You are Haldir- the tragic war hero. You died
protecting your allies, and will be remembered
here-after in thier songs. You are(were)
friends with practicly everyone, and were such
a likebale charactar. Too bad it was you and not aragorn.

LOTR - Which Helm's deep Soldier are you?
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What LoTR Character Are You?

hi!!!!!!!! please feel free to take these quizzes you have to copy the html code and link it back.!

quote of the day:"for all thou' people in thy world,i shall worship you thy most for you are my lord and nothing shall tear us apart!love is stronger than hate"

Dolls by NeoPets RefDesk
[I am Haldir!]
I am Haldir, a guardian of the Golden Wood. I guided the Fellowship through Lothlorien and gave Samwise Gamgee his rope, but the latter I wasn't able to do onscreen. In the movie, I'm played by Craig Parker.
|| Which Lord of the Rings Elf are you? @ ||

Billy- Ooh yea baby! You got hot Billy, Taco Bell Boy. And if you get married, you won't even have to cook! Just order the pizza and he's happy.

**Whose your Good Charlotte HOTTIE?!?!**
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the twins
You're Benji and Joel - The Twins. It's illegal,
it's wrong, but you don't care. You're in love
and that's all that matters.

What Good Charlotte slash pairing are you?
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Benji And You!
You'd fuck Benji the hot punk rocker that everyone
wants there hands on

Which member of GC are you most likely to fuck?
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you are... the billy/strawberry condom

which GOOD CHARLOTTE flavored CONDOM are you?
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You are Cash.

what thing of benjis are you?
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You are obsessed-with-Benji Joel. You are in love
with your twin brother, you sick bastard. By
the way, that's illegal in 48 out of 50 states.

Which Joel Madden Are You?
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bloody valentine
bloody valentine

what kind of GOOD CHARLOTTE fan are you?
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bloody valentine
bloody valentine

what kind of GOOD CHARLOTTE fan are you?
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its all about me. deal with it.

which IT'S HAPPY BUNNY are you?
brought to you by Quizilla i curse u bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!

You want to watch Joel masturbate! All the times
you see him grab his junk during the set just
makes you wanna see him do it naked. You wanna
do it for him too...

What's your Good Charlotte fetish?
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Benji's Liprings
You're Benji's Kinky Liprings!!!

Which Good Charlotte Piercing Are You?
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You are the dirtbike

what thing of benjis are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Paul and Benji
You're Paul and Benji. How did this happen?
Perhaps it's because you both have a passion
for changing your hair.

Which Good Charlotte Guy Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla high bily
Pot-Smoking Billy

Which sick bastard member of Good Charlotte are you?
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regular punk

What kind of punk kid are you?
brought to you by Quizilla fligler
You're a good person, with good intentions.
Therefore, you are now PAUL!

What kind of person are you? (Good Charlotte people!)
brought to you by Quizilla fdag
You are dirty, and naughty... not that its TOTALLY
bad... you are BENJI!

What kind of person are you? (Good Charlotte people!)
brought to you by Quizilla You are...a GC fanatic.

What kind of Good Charlotte Kid Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Congradulations!!!You are a TRUE fan!! You should
be proud! You know your stuff and respect the
band for their music, not their looks!KEEP

Are you a REAL Good Charlotte fan or a pathetic Teenie
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