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~All your bases are belong to us!~

  • 11/2/02 - Longdawgg is out of its hiatus
  • 11/1/02 - 2 New Movies!!here
  • 11/01/02 - Leo's corner: The Begining

Longdawgg Productions has been making movies in the Bay Area since 2000. It was founded by Mr. Nielsen and Mr. Laisne in order to produce the SMWF it has since grown produce over ten films in the last two years. We work very hard with our associates Mr. Gray, Mr. Pulido, Mr. Velasquez, Mr. Parenti, and Phill Nielsen to produce intresting and entertaining films. A special thanks goes out to the Head Executive of Dry Films as well as everyone involved in those movies.

Longdawgg Productions 2000-2002

By Anthony Nielsen "The Web Master"