Four great fantasy stories from the pages of Fantastic Adventures, Imagination, and Fantastic:

The Man Who Stopped At Nothing by Paul W. Fairman. Dorn was dead, but someone was still attempting to bring him back to life.

And All the Girls Were Nude by Richard Magruder. Nathaniel invented a camera lens which eliminated the clothes on all of the girls he took pictures with.

The Exquisite Nudes by Adam Chase. Aliens animate statues in an art gallery, resulting in a lot of problems for the statues and the people in charge.

The Girl in Tube 14 by Dick Purcell. He was just a high-school kid; nothing on his mind but maybe taking a swim or going fishing. Then this naked girl walked in and sat down beside him-and he almost lost his life!

The magazine texts have been reset and the original illustrations are included.

Trade Paperback:
6 x 9 inch
216 pages
ISBN 978-0692305393