The Son of Tarzan

Tarzan's son inherits his father's love of the jungle and by an extraordinary combination of circumstances is taken to the African Wilderness. The lore of the jungle came easily to him -- he battles mightily with Numa the Lion, with Histah the Snake, with crafty savages and slave traders till there is no one greater in the forest than Korak (the killer), son of Tarzan.

Trade Paperback

FIRST EDITION TEXT (Uncensored, unedited)

Hardcover w/dust jacket:
6 x 9 inch
392 pages
ISBN 978-1987096323

Trade Paperback:
6 x 9 inch
392 pages
ISBN 978-1647205386

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MAGAZINE TEXT (Uncensored, unedited)

Edgar Rice Burroughs believes in heredity. He has to; for what more striking proof of heredity could be adduced than the case of Jack Clayton?

Who is Jack Clayton, say you? Why, the son of John Clayton, Lord Greystoke; otherwise Tarzan of the Apes. Yes; now you know!

In spite of all the efforts of Lady Greystoke, ably seconded by Tarzan himself, to keep all knowledge of the wild from the youthful mind of their only son-going even so far as to prohibit his visiting the London Zoo--nothing could keep down the wild strain. And when Akut, the old gray ape, friend of Tarzan that was, came to London in the custody of all that was left of Alexis Paulvitch--

Trade Paperback:
6 x 9 inch
448 pages
ISBN 978-1647201906