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My FF8 Trading Card List


I no longer need cards to complete my collection, however I'll still accept "restricted" trades and sales of my cards. Please keep in mind that I'm only doing this as a service to those who wish to complete their collections, so *READ THE FOLLOWING RULES* (since I will adhere to them):


Hi. Welcome to my trading page. Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Here are the rules:

Buy rules

The available game cards and visual foil cards listed in the tables below are for trade only. However, I do have special card packages for sale. Click here for further details.

Trade rules

I will accept any trade only if cards in my inventory will be traded for other cards that fall under the same category. (For example, a card under category (A) will be traded for an equivalent card that also falls under category (A).) I have grouped cards under the following categories:

A). Common game cards (G-1 to G-90)
B). Rare foil cards (G-91 to G-110) or (C-10 to C-36)

The card ratio of trades is typically 1-to-1, unless card condition becomes an issue. In such a case, I would need to scrutinize the trade more critically.

I will *NOT* accept trades involving regular visual cards.

Card Grading

I created this section, because I found that I was unable to "scrutinize more critically" from inadequate card descriptions. And more often than not, I would receive cards that did not exactly live up to expectations. So when describing the condition of your cards, please use the following grading chart. This is a personal chart that I use, and it doesn't apply to every card trader. But it'll help me greatly if you use my chart when dealing with me for trades.

Terminology of Flaws:

If you are already familiar with card grading terms, then go ahead and skip this section. But I strongly encourage that you briefly give them a look over, since these are flaws that I look for when grading cards.

Grading chart:

The chart below lists what number of flaws are allowed (and not what is necessary) for each grade. For example, an (EX) card does not necessarily have to have 2 minor scratches and 1 minor scuff in order to be considered (EX). An (EX) card can simply have up to those number of flaws. But if there are other flaws present on the card, it should be downgraded appropriately.

Card ratio:

Now, after having said all that, here's the card equivalencies I use to determine trade ratios. I know this seems like a lot, especially for trades in which I do not need any of these cards. But I'm doing this because I mostly cater to the avid card collector. So even though I'll accept any card condition, I'm trying to discourage trading of poor cards, since (again) those hold little or no value to the avid collector.

1 (EX)/(VG) card   ≡   2 (G)/(F) cards   ≡   3 (P) cards

Handling and Packaging of Trades

The Essentials:

Package your cards to your fancy, since your packaging material will be recycled back to you when I'm ready to mail out my cards. However, keep in mind that I will downgrade your cards if they are poorly packaged and arrive in less than expected condition. Other than that, just be sure you follow the instructions above. *FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN HAVING YOUR CARDS RETURNED AND VOIDING THE TRADE.*

The Non-essentials:

Keep in mind that if you do require supplemental services, it may take a little longer than usual to receive your cards. I only travel to the post office when I need to run (not one) but a few errands there.

Condition of Cards

For the most part, my cards are (EX). However, due to how others cared for their cards that were traded, I simply cannot guarantee the condition of the cards in my inventory. If you're particular on the condition of a specific card, email me, and I'll try to describe the condition to the best of my ability.

Other notes

Well, not much else to say. If you have questions, feel free to email me. I don't know how well this page will be exposed or how frequently I'll be checking email. So don't fret if I don't respond right away. I'll also update this list periodically so that you'll know it's current.

Anyway, enough babbling. I'll leave you to the list now... If you want you can click on the card links for further description on the cards.


Status Legend

BLUE = Cards in my inventory which are available for trade.
ORANGE = Cards in my inventory on hold, pending transaction.
Official Card Game
Card#: Name/Description:
Level 1 G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4 G-5 G-6 G-7 G-8 G-9 G-10 G-11
Level 2 G-12 G-13 G-14 G-15 G-16 G-17 G-18 G-19 G-20 G-21 G-22
Level 3 G-23 G-24 G-25 G-26 G-27 G-28 G-29 G-30 G-31 G-32 G-33
Level 4 G-34 G-35 G-36 G-37 G-38 G-39 G-40 G-41 G-42 G-43 G-44
Level 5 G-45 G-46 G-47 G-48 G-49 G-50 G-51 G-52 G-53 G-54 G-55
Level 6 G-56 G-57 G-58 G-59 G-60 G-61 G-62 G-63 G-64 G-65 G-66
Level 7 G-67 G-68 G-69 G-70 G-71 G-72 G-73 G-74 G-75 G-76 G-77
Level 8 G-78 G-79 G-80 G-81 G-82 G-83 G-84 G-85 G-86 G-87 G-88
Level 9 G-89 G-90 G-91 G-92 G-93 G-94 G-95 G-96 G-97 G-98 G-99
Level 10 G-100 G-101 G-102 G-103 G-104 G-105 G-106 G-107 G-108 G-109 G-110

Perfect Visual Collection
Card#: Name/Description:
Title Card C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9
Illust. Gallery Card C-10 C-11 C-12 C-13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18
C-19 C-20 C-21 C-22 C-23 C-24 C-25 C-26 C-27
Character File Card C-28 C-29 C-30 C-31 C-32 C-33 C-34 C-35 C-36
C-37 C-38 C-39 C-40 C-41 C-42 C-43 C-44 C-45
Mechanic File Card C-46 C-47 C-48 C-49 C-50 C-51 C-52 C-53 C-54
Scene Card C-55 C-56 C-57 C-58 C-59 C-60 C-61 C-62 C-63
C-64 C-65 C-66 C-67 C-68 C-69 C-70 C-71 C-72