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My Page

Hey! Thank you for visiting! If you know me you'll already know about my obcession with Films,and if you don't know me well you'll find out what I'm like. I'm gonna use this page as a record of my journey to get into the movies and my general life, I will try to keep it up to date but I'm not promising anything, O.K. So, now I've told you what my aim is with this page I'll tell you about myself. I'm 16, I was born on the 4th january 1987, in London. At the age of 7 I left london with my mother and father and moved to the Isle of Man, and for those of you who don't know where it is, it is not the isle of wight, it is a small island inbetween England and Ireland. I now attend Ramsey Grammar School and I am about to start my A-levels, I hope to attend the Central School of Speech and Drama after I have finished my A-Levels. My obcession is with films, some people say I reject reality, I say i'm broadening my knowledge of different filmmakers work. If you have anything that I could add to my page to improve it than send me an e-mail intitled 'you're page improvements' to Thank You and feel free to look around

My Favorite Movies

My Favorite Web Sites

The school i'd love to go to after I have finished my A-levels
My Favourite actors website
a page where you can see my and the insane people who go to my skool
A cool place full of on-line tests
