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A forum where you can enjoy and talk about the Classic X-Files, and other shows that have captured your attention. A community where people just want to keep in touch with friends they made over the years through their "glowing rectangles"...


What is new? Updated Sept. 27nd, 2002.

Well, the season premiere of Buffy is over. For us non-American people it's going to be a bit of a wait still, of course. So, for those who can't wait and just must get their Buffy-fix, the Recap of the episode will be online over at Television Without Pity in a few days.

In other Buffy news, the soundtrack to last season's musical episode "Once More With Feeling" will be published late September. You can already preorder it at Amazon right here.

Queegqueg's story Memory Loss is now added to the Fanfiction page. Be sure to check it out!

2 new transcripts have been added on the page of Transcripts: David Duchovny on Jay Leno, April 29th, and David Duchovny on Regis and Kelly, July 30th. Thanks to Mulder42 to make the transcripts!

As you probably know, Gillian Anderson is preparing her London West End stage debut: She will perform in "What the Night is for", a play by the American writer Michael Weller. The site for "What the Night is for" is now up and running:

You can also start ordering tickets for this play, if you happen to live in London, or if you're thinking about a real expensive trip to check out Gillian's latest...

What is the Classic X-Files?

The Classic X-Files refers specifically to The X-Files of Mulder and Scully. This includes the first seven Mulder and Scully focused seasons of the series, the movie Fight The Future, and the few relevant Mulder and Scully related moments from the Season 8 and 9 episodes that included Mulder and Scully.

The Classic X-Files does NOT refer to Agent Doggett nor Agent Reyes, nor to any other investigators or other characters that 1013 Productions saw fit to add to the cast for Season 9.

What Will You Find Here?

This Web site contains a page of Fanfiction and Fan Art created by some of the members of the Classic X-Files Fan Community.

There is a also a page with transcripts of various interviews by Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Tea Leoni, etc. All transcripts were made by the Queen of Transcripts, Mulder 42!

You will also find a page of links to other Web sites here, both general X-Files sites, as well as sites that were made by some of the people that visit Queegqueg's Corner, the Message Board of the Classic X-Files Fan Community.

There is also a Complete list of Avatars. If you need one to use at Queegqueg's Corner, this is the place to find them. However, it seems you will have to upload them onto your own server, because you can't link to them here. Comes with having a free site, I suppose...

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