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Top Ten Signs You Are in a Bad Neighborhood

Written in 2005 by Sean Kramer



10. All of the welcome mats have been replaced with rusty chain linked fences and "Beware of dog" signs.

9. Tennis shoes are hanging off the phone lines.

8. The local liquor store is located next to the local gun store.

7. The featured news story was that the area fire engine was carjacked.

6. The guys who wash your windows make them dirtier.

5. The main topics of conversation with your neighbors are who got shot lately.

4. From any direction you look, a Church's chicken can be seen.

3. There is a fast cash/laundromat.

2. Even all police ignore local traffic laws.

And the topmost sign you are in a bad neighborhood.:

1. At all hours of the day you have to purchase your gas through bullet proof glass.

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Kramertime, 2005, is written and originally produced by Sean Kramer.  He retains copyright to all of the creative content provided.  Of course, that would be open to interpretation, assuming it were creative.  Anyhow, I hope you enjoy a slice of my sick little mind.