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Julianna And Her Romeo

In Corona Queens, New York two families of a different race color and creed, the Montabello's and the Capulez have been fueding with each other for years over racism. Mr Capulez Julianna's father, throws a party to which he invites all his friends. The Montabello's are not invited of course, but Romeo devises a plan to get a look at Rosalina, a beautiful woman he has been pursing. He sneaks in to the party, once inside his attention is stolen , not by Rosalina, but by Julianna. Romeo falls instantly in love. But is disappointed when he finds out that Julianna is a Capulez. Julianna notices Romeo also, but she is unaware that he is a Montabello. Later after discovering that Romeo is a Montabello, Julianna goes out onto the sundeck to tell the stars about her strong but forbidden love. At the same time, Romeo is lurking about the alleyway. He over hears Julianna confess her love for him to the heavens. No longer able to control his powerful feelings, Romeo reveals himself to her and admits he feels the same way. The very next day with the help of a good friend, Father larry. Romeo and Julianna are secretly married. On the day of the wedding Romeo's cousin Ben, sister Josephine and bestfriend Marc are walking through the streets of Corona. They are confronted by Julianna's cousin Tony. Tony is out to get Romeo for being with Julianna. Tony starts a fight with Romeo's cousin, sister and bestfriend. Romeo shows up, but doesn't want to fight Tony because he never had anything against him or his family. Ben, Josephine and Marc can't understand why he won't stand up for him self. So Marc steps in to do it for him. They fight and Marc beats Tony bloody with his bare hands. The next day Romeo, Josephine and Sammy are walking through a supermarket parking lot.Tony comes out of nowhere and pulls a gun on Marc and kills him. To avaenge the death Marc Romeo kills Tony and is now wanted for murder by the police. Julianna is devistated over the loss of her love.being on the run. Julianna's father not knowing of her marriage to Romeo, decides to marry her to another gentleman named Leon. In despair Julianna consults with father Larry, he advises her to agree to the marriage, but on the morning of the wedding. She will drink a potion that he prepared for her. The potion will make it look like she is dead. And she will be put in to the Capulez tomb.Then the father will send Romeo to rescue her. She does as the father says and is put in the tomb by her family. Bad news travels fast, before the father can tell Romeo of the hoax . Romeo hears from Bobby that his beloved Julianna is dead and was carring his child. Overcomed with grief, Romeo buys some poison. Then on his way to the tomb he is spotted by the police and fights them off in blazing gun battle. Romeo escapes and makes it to the tomb to die beside his wife. Inside the tomb Romeo drinks the poison and takes his last breath next to his sleeping love. Moments later Julianna awakens and see's her husbands dead body, she reaches for his gun and puts it to her head and pulls the trigger and kills herself. The tragedy has tremendous impact on both the families that they agreed never to fight again.
