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Steve's Website

Photographer Steve Hatfield's Home Page

Welcome to Steve Hatfield's home page.

Steve Hatfield lives in Bluefield, W.Va. A freelance photographer with his photography degree from N.Y.I. He is available for any type of photo assignment. Weddings are his specialties.

Family Picture My girlfriend.
Bluefield's Mountains Brother Mike.
My Grandma at 79 Favorite pets.
Ray Dustin
My sister Tina Penny's worth.
Last but NOT least. Ray's wedding.
God's plan is Christ for the world. Satan's plan is the world for Christ....................................................... All of this, And Heaven to!! ........................................ Even the devils believe, and tremble.................................. God gave the best, for the worst..................................... Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unaware................................................... Start your day with prayer............................................. Satin wants your soul so bad, he will give the world for it............ ........................... God sometimes puts us in the dark to prove that He is the Light.................................... Natural life came by God's breath, eternal life comes by Christ's death ......... ........................................ It is wiser to choose what you say than to say what you choose.................................. God is Truth and Light his shadow.................................... Some people live and learn, others just live ......................... It is better to be criticized by a wise man than to be praised by a fool.......................... Send me E-mail.
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