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My Dedication to

I was 5 when I frist saw Jurassic park. I remember, We had just moved into our new house, that was still being done. We got back from getting materials I think and we stopped at this old movie place called captian video, real cheap, but anyhow there was a new release there it was of course JP so I begged my dad to rent it and he did, my sis got little rasciles-is that right? Back to the subject, we were arriving home and we stopped at mc.donalds. After we got in the door of the still being put up house I grabbed the big chair and sat in front of the tv. My dad popped in the video, then he went to paint while my sis was upstairs. I started to munch on some frys when the next thing I knew was the helicopter riding into the sunset, my food scattered on the ground, needing to go to the bathroom real bad, and a notice only to the tv. I was drooling for petes sake, It was the greatest thing I had ever seen, and from that point on I was hooked, buying the toys, getting the games,comics,cards,movies,books,di cast figures, I MEAN I WAS HOOKED, I LOVED IT!!! My fav dino came to be the velociraptor, of course, i mean the part in the kicthen was mesmurising, the t-rex ripping the paddock cables, IT WAS PERFECT! And that is how my memories stay :) Thank you for having this memorable thing cause its just so ::crys:: I love you guys JP IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yea contact anyone who reads this that is a jp fan my aim is Joshasaurus Rex4 c-ya ::goes and plays operation genesis on his xbox:: :)

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