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Jerry's Prom Pics2003


Hey everyone what's up? Sorry if I couldn't get you guys the prom pics before but you know how long it takes to get around to it...stupid Walmart takes forever to develop. But anyways, they're finally done and if I couldn't give u a hard copy then just get it off here. By the way, not all of these pics are mine. Some of them belong to Mina (Mini Mi), so we should show some appreciation to her as well. YAY MINA!!!!! And you can also take a look at Priyanka's and Shareba's prom pics as well, they're posted on yahoo and msn. You can go to it with the lil links on the bottom. Anyways, hope you guys like them and leave a message while you're here.

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My Prom Pics: Page 1, 2, 3, 4



Priyanka's Prom Pics: Link 1   Link 2



Shareba's Prom Pics: Link