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. : * : . What's New On The Site . : * : .

~*~ April 26th, 2002 ~*~

- My Journal has been updated a *few* times

- New photos in the family section, more coming soon from Winter Camp 2002

- Cannot share the joy of my screenplay with you because it is not copywritten. Sorry! :)

~*~ February 11th, 2002 ~*~

- Two new pix up from Winter 2002 in the Photos section of camp :)

- The Journal has been updated

~*~ January 25th, 2002 ~*~

- Journal has been updated a few times...

- 4 new pictures added to the photos page: Me & John, Me & Chelle, Me & Erik from O-Town, & Chelle & Ashley from O-Town...more on the way!

- My treatment for my short film, "Drowning," will be up soon, along with character bios and my treatment for my screenplay, which is as of now untitled

- Sorry for the lack of updates, but I'm working on it! School is taking it's toll, that's for sure :P

~*~ November 30th, 2001 ~*~

- Journal Updated w/ review of meeting 2/5 of O-Town!

- Happy 2 months, John ;)

- Film Treatments are up - read the first one about "Rest Stop," my idea for a music video for Matchbox Twenty

- Along w/ Willa & Uncle Kracker pix, O-T pix should be coming soon

~*~ November 8th, 2001 ~*~

- John Fansite link added

- Journal updated

- Mojo Link Added (The best morning show in D-Town!)

- More pix in photos coming soon, including Willa Ford and Uncle Kracker!

~*~ November 4th, 2001 ~*~

- Journal updated

~*~ November 2nd, 2001 ~*~

- Page Created

- John, What's New, n FAQ Page Added

- Links Added

- Hmmm...and Evan and Jaron Rock :)

So Much To See...Where First?

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