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Admit it! Bruce may be a great guy, but the real reason you went to see Evil Dead II-Dead By Dawn was the presence of Danny Hicks.Can you possibly resist a face like this?

...Didn't think so. Anyway, in honor of this great actor, I've decided to create a new rating system called...The Hickie Factor! I will rate various movies featuring Danny Hicks based on his screentime, and the importance of his role.The highest possible score is 5 Hickies!

I.Evil Dead II-Dead By Dawn

This is almost the ultimate Danny Hicks movie. I mean, he has plenty of screentime, is the cause of more than one big scene, AND he succeeds where the deadites failed: he defeated Ash!

Overall Hickie Factor:

II.Maniac Cop

Not much to say about this one. But once again he catches Bruce! In this he plays the "Squad Leader" who catches the "good" cop, Bruce, who was wrongfully accused of the Maniac Cop murders. This takes place during a parade, in which Sam Raimi also has a neat little cameo appearance.

Overall Hickie Factor:


Do I really need to explain this one?! Just read my review of the film on this fansite for the film. For cryin' out loud, you should know the answer to this one already if you're at THIS site!

Overall Hickie Factor:

IV.Spider-Man 2

First off, I have to say that this movie is awesome. Danny Hicks has a crucial role as a train passenger who says "What the Hell was that?!" He even gets to lift mainstream actor Tobie Maguire! (If you've seen this movie, you'll know what I'm talking about.) I give this a two, because Danny Hicks shows up in multiple shots, and because I feel like it.

Overall Hickie Factor:


This, I daresay, is one of Sam Raimi's best efforts. The tale of a man who's out for revenge, and the chance to reunite with his girlfriend. Only one problem, though: his face has been horribly burned and scarred in a firey explosion. Therefore, he makes himself some synthetic faces to use in his various excursions. Danny Hicks has a fairly good role in this as one of Durant's right hand men. Especially notable is his fake left leg/machine gun. You see him quite a bit in this one!

Overall Hickie Factor:

Well, unfortunately that's it for now, since those are the only five Hickie movies I've seen. Stay tuned though, because I plan on renting Wishmaster sometime soon.

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