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Infra-Man (1975) was made by the famous Shaw Brother's Studio in Hong Kong.
The Story
The movie opens with Princess Dragon Mom causing world wide destruction with the help of her army of monsters. The only force on Earth that can possibly stand against her is the Science Patrol, headquarterd in Hong Kong.
After fully realizing the danger that faces the planet, Proffesor Chang decides that he must convert one Science Patrol member into a powerful cyborg using technology he has designed. Rayma, Science Patrol's top agent, is chosen for the conversion process.
Dragon Mom catches wind of the Infra-Man project, and takes measures to make sure it never comes pass. She sends a Plant Mutant to Science Patrol headquarters to stop the Infra-Man project before it can be completed. Meanwhile, she sends another one of her mutants, Nemesis, to capture a member of the Science Patrol.
In Proffesor Chang's lab, Rayma is undergoing the transformation process when the Plant Monster arrives at Science Patrol headquarters. The mutant drills into the earth, and causes giant, aggresive vines to engulf the headquarters. Some of the vines interfere with the power flow to Chang's lab, interrupting the transformation process and nearly killing Rayma. Luckily, a couregeous member of the Science Patrol manages to get the power back on, and Rayma completes his transformation.
Rayma is now the invincible Infra-Man. Chang briefs Rayma on his new powers. Armed with this knowledge, Infra-Man backflips his way outside and destroys the Plant Monster.
Nearby, Nemesis has managed to capture a member of the Science Patrol named Chu Ming. He is taken back to Dragon Mom's subterreanean headquarters, Ma-Demon, and is brainwashed by She-Demon. Chu Ming is then returned to the Science Patrol, where he acts as a mole.
Chu Ming's first act of sabotage is to steal the plans for the Infra-Man cyborg. Chu Ming's theft does not go unnoticed, and Science Patrol members, including Rayma, chase him as he makes his getaway. In order to help Chu Ming get away, Dragon Mom sends a contingent of Skull Warriors and two mutants to help him.
Infra-Man engages the two mutants in combat. He dispatches one them, the Bull Monster, fairly easily, but the second one, the Bug Monster, grows to 10 times it's normal size. Infra-Man also grows to giant size, and throws the Bug Monster into a nearby power relay station. The Bug Monster shrinks to normal size and Infra-Man steps on him.
Despite Science Patrol's best efforts, Chu Ming gets the plans back to Dragon Mom. This gives Dragon Mom crucial information she can use to destroy Infra-Man.
Later, Chang's three children (Mei-Mei, Ji-Lo, and Le-Ling) find a newly opened cave. It turns out to be a tunnel that Nemesis and Chu Ming have made into Science Patrol Headquarter's transformer room. They are going to blow the transformers up, leaving Science Patrol powerless. Infra-Man stops their scheme.
Back at his lab, Proffesor Chang gives Infra-Man his most powerful weapons yet: Thunderball Fists and Infra-Blades. That same night, the mutants kidnap Proffesor Chang's eldest daughter, Mei Mei.
Dragon Mom blackmails Proffessor Chang into going to Ma-Demon alone. Once she has Chang in custody, Dragon Mom orders Chang to build Infra-Man cyborgs that she can use to take over the world. If he doesn't, Dragon Mom threatens to drop Mei-Mei into a pit of lava. And just so Chang knows she's serious, Dragon Mom drops Chu Ming(!) into the pit.
Outside, Rayma and the Science Patrol arrives at the entrance to Ma-Demon. A huge fight breaks out, and Infra-Man has to fight his way through an army of evil mutants to end the threat of Dragon Mom once and for all.
Infra-Man's Weapons
Infra-Man jumps into the air and flies feet first at his opponent (picture 1). After making contact (picture 2), Infra-Man ignites his bootjets, with devestating results (picture 3).
In the first picture, notice the darts that he's reaching for right above his waist. After making an obligatory arm movement (picture 2), he throws the darts (acompioned by a quick camera movement, picture 3) and they impact his target (picture 4). They can then expolde or catch fire.
Infra-Man has a wide variety of ray weapons that fire from his hands.
After making the appropiate hand gestures, Infra-Man can grow to several times his regular hieght. Where Infra-Man is procuring the extra mass from is unknown.
Installed at the same time as the Thunderball Fists, these weapons can cut monsters to pieces.
Thunderball Fists!
Thunderball Fists are Infra-Man's greatest weapons. They are actually a highy sophisticated and complicated weapons system. The Thunderball Fists actually take the form of two spiked gloves that fit over Infra-Man's hands (picture 1 and 2). They have the ability to discharge vast amounts of electricity (picture 3), as well as the ability to rocket off of Infra-Man's hands to cause physical damage to a target (picture4).
Thunderball Fists in Action!
First, the Thunderball Fists rocket off of Infra-Man's hands, striking the target (pictures 1-3). They return to Infra-Man almost instantly, and he then uses them to unleash a a massive beam attack(picture 4). No target, whether the world's hardest substance or Princess Dragon Mom, can survive this onslaught!
The Science Patrol
Defending Earth From Strangely Dressed Enemies!
Rayma is the alter-ego of Infra-Man. He is a loner and a fighter. He is all things to all men, and maybe to one special woman. The second picture shows that Rayma also has a sensitive side.
Proffessor Chang
The smartest man in the world, Chang leads the Science Patrol. When the crisis of monsters occurs, all military and political power is abdicated to him. Even so, he is still rediculously easy to kidnap.It is Chang who has the scientific expertise to create Infra-Man and... Thunderball Fists!
Science Patrol Buldings and Equipment
This is Science Patrol headquarters. Notice the large pleatherette chair in the center of the room. That's Chang's.
Some of the headquarter's high tech equipment. Notice the high tech reel to reel computers in the first picture. In the second picture we have proof that the Science Patrol is really serious about their Jiffy Pop.
When faced with a monster threat, Science Patrol regulations state that the first attemp to destroy a monster must involve kung fu fighting. Guns may be used after kung fu fighting has failed, but only if the agent in charge has determined that guns won't harm the monster in any way. Then Infra-Man can back flip onto the scene and save Science Patrol's collective butts.
Infra-Man's Horrible Arch-Enemies!
Plant Monster
The Plant Monster is the first monster that Infra-Man encounters. As a matter of fact, the Plant Monster nearly stops the creation of Infra-Man by attacking the Science Patrol headquarters at a most critical time!
Bug Monster
The horrible Bug Monster is probably the most accomplished martial artist of the monsters.
The Bug Monster can spit balls that explode in a web-like substance that can ensare a human. The Bug Monster can also spit a highly explosive form of acid.
The Bug Monster can grow to ten times his original height! Unfortunately for him, Infra-Man follows suit and the Bug Monster dies an extremely ironic (and messy) death.
Scaley Monster
The Scaley Monster is one of Princess Dragon Mom's final lines of defense. He is a pretty darn good martial artist, as well as a heck of welding instrument.
Infra-Man's Horrible Arch-Enemies!
Bull Monster
I have no idea what the deal with this monster is. If you look at the face shot (above middle) he looks kinda like one of those big Muppets crossed with Cousin It. He tends to jump and caper about like a low rent performer at a Renissance Festival.
The Bull Monster has a number of beam weapons, all of which are equal in power to Infra-Man's own! Eventually Infra-Man takes pity on this bizarre aberation, and blows him up. Nemesis
More poweful than a VW Beetle, Nemesis is Princess Dragon Mom's point-monster.
Nemesis' right hand is a drill, while his left is some sort of spiked scoop.
Twin Monsters
The Twin Monsters fight Infra-Man in tandem, using their ability to fling their mace-like hands to nearly kill the Earth's defender. As revealed by their deaths, they are mechanical constructs.
Infra-Man's Horrible Arch-Enemies!
She-Demon is Princess Dragon Mom's right hand monster. She can use the eyes in the palms of her hands to hypnotize people.
She-Demon weilds an energy-charged dagger. Notice the demon face on her helmet.
Princess Dragon Mom
Princess Dragon Mom is the leader of the monsters and Infra-Man's arch enemy. In her human form she wears a classy pleather and god bodysuit, accented perfectly by a golden dragon helmet with light-up eyes. In this form, she tends to fight hand to hand or use a whip.
Princess Dragon Mom can transform into a dragon like creature at will. In this form she can fly and fire beams.
Her beams seem to be much more powerful than Infra-Man's.
Infra-Man uses his Infra-blades toi decapitate her, but she just keep growing new heads!
Eventually, Infra-Man defeats her using his Thunderball Fists!
Other Monsters (and Related Stuff)
Skull troops, decked out in their finest motorcycle helmets, are Princess Dragon Mom's foot soldiers.
Princess Dragon Mom's lair of evil is known as Ma-Demon. It has a lava pit that Princess Dragon Mom can drop people down whenever she feels like it.
Despite being an ancient force for evil, Princess Dragon Mom has kep up on current technology, as evidenced by this spiffy cabin cruiser with dragon hood ornament
Princess Dragon Mom's ultimatium to the planet Earth!
Oh, so that's how serious the situation is.