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I, the throw away...

Please Help


I’m an 18 year old female from Ontario Canada. My real name is Sarah. I’m the youngest in my family and I have two older brothers. My parents are still together and I’d consider them to be a bit on the conservative side. I have a beautiful male cat named Babu and a relatively old hamster that I named after one of my favourite coffee shops. Unfortunately I am still in high school; even though I was suppose to graduate last year. I do have dreams of going to university or college, but I am unsure when that will happen. I enjoy traveling, I have a pretty up and go kind of nature. I would definitely consider myself to be fairly open-minded and extremely opinionated. I have a sensitive heart and I care deeply about what goes on in the world around me. I am a strong believer in nature. I like to have coherent thoughts. I’m undeniably a dramatic person, yet very shy. I regard myself as a fairly mature and responsible person, about most things anyway. I love to dream and set goals for myself. I like to push myself and to experience everything that life has to offer. I enjoy reading and writing. I can honestly say that I am not the kind of person who is always joking around but I do like to have fun times. I’ve been through some pretty hard things in my past that have taken many years to improve. I feel that everything that I have gone through in my life has made the person I am today, and I am proud to be me. I am not a model type, but I think of myself as pretty average looking. I admit freely that I love the camera, but not so much web cams. I enjoy chatting online but I’d much prefer to spend my time outdoors.

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I am going to try and tend to update this site often, but with work and everything going on around me it might take awhile, keep posted! Latest update was on Sept. 14th 2004