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Coming soon.....

The same world, but a new kind of RPG. Can you handle it?

...Yes, I realize how tacky that sounds.

A while ago, this used to be a fansite of a couple fangirls. Well, those fangirls have stopped being all hyper and stuff, so basically I have 20 MB of free space. This came at a good time, too, seeing as how I have wanted to start an RPG.

Yes, this will be the home of that RPG. I'm only just starting it right now, but There will be more soon. Hopefully all will go well.

When applications are open, be sure to read all of the following pages: The plot, the rules, and the application sheet. Then, after you have read all those thoroughly, either email me your sheet at or send it to me over aim. my aim name is PANDABEAR1328. The applications are now open!!!!

Here are a few basic rules that apply to stuff in general:

1: Don't harass me on aim. I will report you, then block you.

2: State your purpose for iming me immediatly. I have been getting ims from spammers lately, and my finger is constantly on the block button.

3: Be courteous to me. I don't HAVE to let you join. If you are short with me, then I will be short with you. If you flame me, I will warn you, save your flames, block you, then MST your flames.

4: If I tell you your character sheet needs to be worked on, then accept that and either work on it or not join.

5: There's only gonna be like 10 people in this rp, so get used to the small numbers.

6: You must must MUST have aim in order to be in this rp. a gooa amount of the rping will be done on aim.

If you have read through all of this carefully and you understand all of it, then click on the word "rpg" in the underlined stuff above. ...Yeah, it's a neat trick, isn't it? Well, That was I know you're reading all this stuff. You can expect something similar on the application sheet. Yes, I like to mess with people's minds. hahahaha.

Ok, time to choose: Do you want to be part of the rp or not?

Yes : No