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There can be only one
Highlander: The Game



For Beginners





Message Board

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There can be only one...

"From the dawn of time we came, moving silently down through the centuries, leading many secret lives. Struggling to reach the time of the Gathering, when the few who remain, will battle to the last."
- Ramirez

Well, guys. Remember Beseen? Remember those awesome chats? I have chats that are BETTER than beseen ever was. B-E-T-T-E-R. Don't feel like using tectonic designs? Come on over. Give the rules and everything a quick read over and join!

Okay, "new" News. For groups like the Watchers and Hunters, I'll be starting a thread for the MB regarding them as organized groups. Anyone willing to RP heads/leaders of these two factions post on the board. Also, keep those applications coming, folks!

From now on, any updates will be shown in the Message Board, so all you people interested REGISTER!!! I've changed the requirement from a mortal character to an evil character, also. If you've already made a mortal character, its okay, its good to have some variation. More on this can be found in the News section of the MB, so get going!