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Cool, you made it! Not bad for a mortal that can't fly.


Here, kid. Maybe now you'll have appeal.


Listen to me mortals and listen page holds a secret, but I won't tell!


Ah, like, take your time. I got 'til forever ya know.


Whoa! Hey now, like, I am just the messenger! Don't shoot me, you dig?


I don't mean to blow my own horn, but I think my website is the most!


Eh, I can never decide on a team so I choose them both.



I think this guy ate too much crab grass.

[IMAGE], I can see that secret from here!


Wanna learn a little about the dude that "borrowed" my looks, voice, and talents? Like, did I just confuse you? Just hop a ride on Pegasus and you'll see what I am talking about as well as more kicky pictures.

Go back, babe!