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10 greatest movies of all time

Compiled by meCompiled by me!

I have been working on this list for the past 6-months. Watching movies which people have said are great. I have narrowed the list down from 35 potential movies to these 10 greats. Highlight to reveal...

10. Liquid sky

9. A Clockwork orange

8. Magnolia

7. Fight club

6. Pi

5. The Matrix reloaded

4. Aliens

3. Battle Royale

2. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the ring

1. Requiem for a dream

Just in case you're wondering I WILL be posting the 25 films which are amazing but just weren't good enough to make the best 10! I will post them ASAP. Feel free to give me your own lists - just email me at the address below.

What do you think? E-mail me with your thoughts at -