The Manipulation of 2-D Images

Sean Catlett:
So! About the television shows.

MC Griffin:
Okee doke. What about 'em?

Sean Catlett:
Which one did you love with all of your loins?

MC Griffin:
SatAM. That one had the best writing, storytelling, etc. But I think they all have a few good qualities. SatAM though would always be my fave.
But I mean, I like Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts, and I hated Sonic Underground, but I dug the social system Robotropolis had... and c'mon, Knuckles kicked it in a few episodes.
But Manic and Sonia can suck my dick, that was just a bad move. And no Tails? C'mon!

Sean Catlett:
Tails is like the staple glue.

MC Griffin:
Fuckin' A he's the staple glue.
He's prime staple glue.

Sean Catlett:
Any thoughts regarding Sonic X?
Or hell, the movie too, while we're at it.

MC Griffin:
Love the movie. Especially the whole multi-layered society element. I thought the characters were neat too.
See man, they should just pile all that shit together and use the best stuff from all the ideas.
Oh wait a minute... we did something like that right?

Sean Catlett:

MC Griffin:
Heh heh.
As for Sonic X, it was too much like Sonic Adventure to not be Sonic Adventure. The differences turned me off, and I just couldn't get into it. One of these days I'll watch it.
I love love love Sonic Adventure. Played the fuck out of that game.

Sean Catlett:
You saying that creating Sam Speed was a mistake?

MC Griffin:
Possibly, yes.
As for Sonic Adventure, I loved the story, and the Guy Richie-esque interweaving plot. It had so many characters and features that I played it for weeks, and the sci-fi, fantasy clash was pulled off amazingly. That coupled with intriguing level design and amazing graphics made me fall in love with the characters again.
Sonic Adventure 2 had less character types, no fantasy element, and a retarded attempt at "extreme"-ness that the games haven't been able to kick.
All the city elements, they took Sonic out of nature, and I don't like this new urban Sonic. Cool and extreme are fine, but Sonic in the city doesn't work for me. Playing as the villains, that's cool, and I don't mind Shadow or Rouge, but I'm confused lately as to the rules of the world he exists in.

Sean Catlett:
Can he still float on one foot?

MC Griffin:
I honestly don't know. (We're old)

Continue to Part Six