Larurina Chatters 2/15Welcome! We have a new layout! Version Arwen. I hope you like it. Also please excuse the text coloration on some pages. You may see dodger blue or maroon. We need a new host! Please if you a willing to host us please please e-mail us!
CJ Blogs: Hey guys! I have two shop blogs up both coded. The pics may take a lil while to appear, but they work. Trust me. ;) I hope you enjoy it. Userlookups by me coming soon. But they might not work. I am sick and home today. Sorry!!! I will not be here this time tomorrow so neomail whenever you want and I'll get the message soon enough.

REMEMBER:Save layouts,graphics etc to your comp! Then upload it to neopets or your graphics server. I'll give a tutorial later.

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