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For cover story on Lourdes Perez and Jose Luis Bustamante's The Leaf Storm, *CLICK HERE*

"...achingly beautiful...audiences are stunned and enraptured...the power, wit an dignity that her deep-throated alto commands affects listeners whether they understand Spanish or not."
-Austin American Statesman

"Perez has a honey-coated contralto that transcends language...Perez lends an unwavering authenticity to her music reminiscent of legendary French chanteuse Edith Piaf"
- Vancouver Courier, CANADA (cover)

"...phenomenal acoustic guitar player...ultimately, Perez most impressive instrument is her voice...picture Edith Piaf astride a Harley, revving her engine in front of the International Headquarters of the Powers That Be"
- The Georgia Straight, CANADA

"Mercedes Sosa...yielded the stage to Puerto Rican singer Lourdes Perez...A warm, dynamic singer and beautiful guitarist, Perez drew a fervent and well-deserved ovation"
-Boston Globe

" Edith Piaf, she transcends language...a truly remarkable voice."
-Music City Texas

"Ms. Perez brought the ardent, near sobbing tones (to the Suffragette Tour), using her gutsy declamation to reminisce over lost love and to praise women's power to nurture life."
- The New York Times

"A VOICE OF MAXIMUM BEAUTY...(her) lyrics and melodies will remain recorded in the heart..."

" dropping to a whisper, now soaring into rich, dulcet tones rivaled only by the legendary Mercedes Sosa (to whom she is often compared), Perez transcends language...her music will caress you, hold you, heal you, surround you - you might even find tears streaming down your face at the clear calm strength of her voice...her imagery is startlingly beautiful..."
-Curve Magazine

"Perez has a unique and powerful voice...with her first song, there is no room left for doubt as to the splendor of her voice and her talent." El Heraldo News (Ft. Worth)

"...her capacity to transcend language and her passion on stage have led many to consider her among the great female Latin American vocalists."
- ARTLIES magazine

"With her beautiful voice of thick smoke and clear honey, Lourdes Perez leaves deep footprints that we will remember forever."
-Gloria Anzaldua, author of Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza and co-editor of This Bridge Called My Back

(translated) "There are treasures in life that are worth more than all of the coffers in the world. That moment (when I heard you sing) was worth more than all of the money that Rockefeller and his entourage may have..."
Rafael Cancel Miranda, patriot, writer, historian (to Perez onstage during her concert in PUERTO RICO)

"A Texas treasure..."
-ARTE (Dallas)

"...completely enrapturing voice..."
-La Prensa de San Antonio

"Her voice-that VOICE-is a warm bed of freshly turned, fertile earth and promise, which strikes out in defiance one moment and coos with hopeless romance the next...Likewise Perez' fingers take graceful strides across minor chords which sound like hectic gasps beating out time and calling out in urgency..."
-Austin Chronicle

"You don't have to understand Spanish to appreciate the passion in this voice and guitar...this one should not be missed."
-Austin Chronicle

"And when you listen (even if you don't understand Spanish), somehow you feel connected to places and people...extraordinary voice."
-ARRIBA Art & Business News

"smoky, spiraling Edith Piaf fronting the Gypsy Kings...Perez sings of her people with a supreme sense of humanity that enlarges them to signify all people."
-Michael Corcorran, Austin American Statesman

"...this is no ordinary voice...palpable intensity...timeless grace and quality...dazzling new works...masterful violin accompaniment...
-Peg Miller, Third Coast Music

"An original...Though comparisons (to Sosa and Piaf) are apt...Perez is no's Perez' words...and her riveting voice that cause listeners to shut up and pay attention-close attention."
- Jim Beal, Jr. San Antonio Express News