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this is a website that is filled with crappy photos taken with a digital camera.
i do not know much about anything.
bear with me; as i explained before, i know very little.

beaches, westwinds, andrew was here
i roll deep
drugs are good(?)
assorted "art" shots
i took acid

there will be more over time.
if you do not see the inherent artistic abilities i posess, then you are probably very disappointed.
too bad i can't make you smarter.

links for a better world
red-raven photography... andrew is far better than you at taking pictures. he is probably also cooler. daniel rhodes is a nifty guy. probably niftier than you.

i'll take a huge bong hit, cough like hell and then drool about a half cup of saliva on the carpet.

everyone tell's me this is gross and i should stop.

it feels good so i don't give a fuck.