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Howard Fink was the announcer:May I introduce the Hollywood fassion Classie Feddie Blassie (fans booed him). From Omaha Nebraska weighing 250 pounds Ted Dibiase (fans cheered him). His opponet makes his Madison Sq. Garden debut hailing from Venice Beach California weighing 320 pounds The Incredible Hulk Hogan (fans boo him).

First Hulk and Ted were in the tie up. Hulk Hogan threw Ted into the turnbuckle. Hogan was showing off his muscles. He kept taunting the crowd. Then when Ted got up, he threw Hogan out of the ring.

Hogan got back into the ring. Then the fans booed him. Hogan lifted the ref up and droped him. Then they were in the tie up. Ted put Hogan in the headlock. Hogan threw Ted out of the ring. Hulk Hogan kept kissing his muscles on his left arm. Ted got back into the ring and Hogan suplexed Ted into the ring. Hogan gave Ted Dibiase the runnin legdrop. He pinned 1-2 Ted kicked out. He pinned him again 1-2 kicked out. Hoganlifted Ted and striked him with his elbow and put him in the sleeper hold. Ted Dibiase was knocked out.

Ted shoved Hogan into the turnbuckle. Ted kept dropkicking Hogan.

Hogan put Ted in the bear hug. Ted was knocked out again. Hogan won the match by knocking him out in the bear hug. Hogan won the match. the match was 11 minutes and 12 seconds.