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Hi! My name is Jessica. I am majoring in MIS/Programming Track.
I am currently working at JP Morgan.

I am originally from Japan.
I am a student in this class: MCO 275: Advanced Web Page Design and Internet Tools, and am looking forward to learning HTML.

My Hobbies: I love playing tennis in the summer and I go skiing in the winter. I also play Piano,Flute and Guitar.
Would you like to take a shot at it? click here to take lessons.

I will construct a personal website this semester.
I plan to focus on what teaching resources are available through the Internet.

Todays Homework:

  1. Prepare a speech for my Speech class.
  2. Study for a midterm for Programming Languages class.
  3. Put in a few hours for my Internship.
  4. Write another C++ project for Data Structures class.
  5. And finally, REWRITE my html webpage.
to find out my phone number
e-mail me would love to hear from you!

If you'd like to add some more courses to your schedule you can check out this website: Touro College
