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-My character Profiles For Findaryl and for Neopets-

Prince Arutha conDoin

He has dark brown hair almost shoulder length, brown eyes and is pretty skinny and doesn't look strong, but he is. He is of light build, a master swordsman and treats people equally.

He wears a brown velvet royal jerkin and black breeches, boots and a sword-belt around his waist, his golden crown and his royal pendant. He carries a rapier at his side, a small royal dagger which all of his brothers own each, and under his tunic he has a black tunic. He is quite aloof most of the time and seems unfriendly, because he is sometimes quiet, dislikes meeting people he doesn't know, and worries quite a lot. He has the nickname Little Storm Cloud from his family because of his snappish moods and cloudy looks. However, he likes to help others before himself and is extremely smart, thinks quickly and uses strategy and tactics very well. He makes a better leader than a friend.

When he disguises himself, it is as a silver dagger (The deverry series r cool too). A silver dagger is a mercenary who fights for coin, usually a dishonoured man (or woman) who did something wrong like a murder, prank on his lord or king or duke etc, took someone else's lass etc. Arutha usually dresses in similar clothing to what i said above but without any royalty to it while in disguise. And he wears his rapier at his sword belt, a silver dagger in his belt. And a sword strapped to his back. He rides a golden horse with a silvery white mane tail and hoofs.

Arutha is the heir to the throne of his kingdom, the Kingdom of the Isles. He and his brother rule a town each, his brother Lyam is the King of the Kingdom, he rules in Rillanon. As the Prince of the Kingdom Arutha rules in Krondor in the West.

Duke Garyn Akenryn

Garyn is basically a 3450 year old medieval vampire. He can be played in modern roleplays with a little modifications. So basically a vampire Duke who is tall, is a dark elf and can go in sunlight, has a soul (He was cursed like Angel) and is an assassin with many skills.

Garyn was in truth, the Duke of some place a few months ride from Findaryl, of a Dark elven noble line. (Not all Dark Elves were even evil...most are now, but they were considered just a dark haired dark eyed species) But that was 3430 years ago. At the age of twenty, his father was killed and he became the Duke. But that same year, his own brother, already a vampire, turned him into a vampire and became his sire. Garyn killed his brother for no good reason but for fun and set off to travel, leaving his keep in ruins and his other brother to take care of it. He never heard about his keep again. Garyn, a hundred years later, was confronted by a mage who restored his soul merely as he wanted to see Garyn tortured. However, he accidently made Garyn able to withstand most sunlight unless cut as well. And as an elf, he alrwady had a long lifespan but now he was immortal. However Garyn suffered his pain and guilt, and this drove him to become an assassin, he thought he was good for nothing but killing anyway. Garyn took up work with a man he trusted, a man who never told his name. Garyn took and learnt his trade. f course his master knew of his being a vampire and set this to good use, like his strength, immortality and his not being evil (Having a soul and all). By not being able to be seen in the glass the noblewomen called mirrors, he was able to sneak up as well. Garyn's master made him kill all the people that were not to live in the world. His master died two centuries later from a sickness though as an elf himself should have lived longer. Grieved, Garyn took the trade upon himself and now travels, sometimes taking a hire, most of the time just killing when he sees fit, helping a seige be lifted by killing the warleader, killing assassins sent to kill royalty or nobles. Garyn finally came to Findaryl and is snooping around. Though he can see sunlight he still hates it and prefers to roam at night.

Garyn dresses in black. Black tunic, black shirt, black armour, black pants, black boots. Basically, he wears all that (The armour when on a job or fighting) And a black cape, pinned at his left shoulder by a small silver mouse head, with large sabre like fangs and ruby red eyes. His boots are knee high, and he was a noble, a Duke perhaps, amoung the Dark Elves but no one knows for sure only that his accent is very noble and his clothing noble. He is very handsome, like most male dark elves. He has black hair, dark blue eyes, nicely pointed elven ears. His hair is cut just above his ears and he is quite lithe looking but well built and tall. Garyn carries a selection of blades, but his favourite is what he calls a Fang Blade. Named after his vampire fangs of course, he is also a little arrogant. The blade is very long, a pure silver and is glitters slightly. In the middle on both sides, a dragon, a long dragon, is carved in the blade. The hilt is purely black like his clothes. The guard is a beautiful handiwork as is the hilt, all in dragon, mouse, rat, raven, crow and lion symbols, with the guard quite pointed. He has similar daggers, a bow with similar patterns and elven made, the arrows well made as well. Garyn is not the average vampire. For one, he has a soul, but a lasting soul no matter what. For two, sunlight wont burn him unless he is cut somewhere and the light hits it. He is normally a nice guy, but he keeps to himself and as an assassin, not really fully trustworthy. Some who knew him might say he could turn on anyone. It may not be true but then it may. He is very aloof, very quiet, but very strong willed. He is not so well built that he is huge looking, he has the looks of a well bred assassin, the ability and figure to sneak, to use a bow and a sword and he is well trained in poisons.

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Garyn Akenryn is (c) me, he was originally my own creation. Arutha is (c) Raymond E Feist (Author of the Riftwar Saga, Krondor saga, the Empire books, and some others).