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Welcome to the top ten movies of all time as choosen by the readers of Empire film magazine.
By clicking on the opposite navigation controls you will be able to access all the different areas that are available to you.

The Film information section contains information on each of the ten top Movies.
These are a short synopsis of the movie, cast and director information on the director of the movie.

The Video clip section contains either the films original trailer or/and still images from the movie.

The game zone section contains scrambled puzzles of four of the movies. The puzzle
pictures are posters from the movies.

The web access section contins web links to websites that are connected to the top films and also several other relevant links such as Empire Films own website.

The e-mail option allows for emails to be dispatched to us so we can read your comments

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It is also best if you set your browser text size to Medium. This is done by going to the view option and then the Text Size option and selecting Medium.
Best viewed at 1024 by 768 and on Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.

To properly run all aspects of this site you will require Shockwave player and Quicktime plugins. Click on the images below to be taken to the relevant sites that contain the downloads.
