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Set 1 --15th Jan 03
Set 2 --15 Jan 03
Set 3 --31st Jan 03
Set 4 -- 9th Feb 03

See me live on my webcam. View My Webcam
See me live on my webcam.

Best friend


Heya I'm Suzi the owner of this "great" site. I'm 15 born on May 11th 87. I live in Dublin ,Ireland with my parents and 18 year old sister o n my pets Bailey , Misty , Sunni n Bobbi. I like Sport soccer and hockey mainly and I like the color pink , shopping , guys and the usual stuff.. I hav blond hair and brown eyes and my ears and belly pierced. When i'm older I wana be famous but then again who doesn't!! Please sign the guestbook n 2 ne bitch's reading this IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY STYLE .. LEAVE.

Right Now

Date:Febuary 23rd 2003
Time: 11.5opm
Wearing:blue tee-shirt , navy hipstars
Surfin: nothing Listening to:sound of my fan heater humming!
Talking to:nobody
Thinking about:skool! (fuck it)


1st Hockey match!
2nd Wexford
3rd ReLAX
4th Go to Clinic
5th Stay In
7th Leannes birthday!
8th Leannes party and a match
9th Wexford
13th Hockey match
14th Valintines day!!
22nd Tori n Co stayin ova
23rd last day of mid-term!
25th Skool!
26th Skool!
27th Skool!
28th Skool!

Blog Archives

JUNE 2002
JULY 2002


Heya this is my button it shud work on all servers even expages if not tell me!


URL or Email


Thurs 27th Feb 2003



Its 9.30am! yeh in the morning! I hav 2 go 2 skool in 1 hour! I'm going in late because my back hurts! so thought i'd update a lil bit! and then update alot later on in the day.... so 2moro (Friday) i'm going to put 12 wash dye in my hair (brown) and make it a bit different.

Skool is so annoying I hate it so much! it's dull , tiring etc... ONLY 1 MORE DAY UNTIL THE WEEKEND!!

wat else.. I can't think right now my brain is dead it's 2 early 2 think i'l update again later.


Suzi blogged out at 9.38am

Tues 25th Feb 2003

Small update. Basicly I hav new fotos scanned and all they'l be up 2moro. I'm busy in skool and homework and watching tv and having friends over so I can't update as much as i'd like but i'l try update every few days. Well I hav a few bits of news so make sure ya come back 2moro and i'l update!


Suzi blogged out at 12.20am

Sun 23rd Feb 2003

Heya how was everyones weekend? Mine was gr8. Collette n Tori stayed over we went to the cinema last nite and saw "The ring" it was scary I hav to admit but really confusing! We went on cam , out drinking , took photos , listened to music etc.. My camera will be devolped 2moro so pics of that nite will be up hear soon..

The album of that nite was "Ja Rule - Pain is love"

Me and Tori after the cinema! the bad thing was Tori n Co felt sick from the McDonalds they ate earlier (I neva eat it) so it was like :( (aww) but it was a fun day like when Co started hooker dancing at the bus stop and all these men in cars were STARING at her! n me n Tori were like "OMG MINGING" and killing the spider in my bathroom and justing havin a gud time.

My parents came home 2day and because Roisin tided up 4 me! (it was our deal) it was clean enough and my sister's boyf came back from Kenya so he gave me 2 braclets and 2 necklaces and my parents got me a Calvin Klien tee-shirt from Italy

Tori and Colltte hav mid-term this week lucky bitchs! I hav skool 2moro and i'm screwed and really pissed off about it! The one thing that'l keep me going is .. 5 days to the weekend!! just 5 days......

I got sum new sista sites (4 to be excact) so check em out!

So i'm off to surf the net I can't sleep it's 11.43pm and I HAVE SKOOL 2MOROW

Suzi blogged out at 11.45pm

Thurs 20th Feb Feb 2003

Heya I don't hav 2 much news because well.. I'm a boring person! My parent's went away for the weekend to Rome so it's just me n my sister this weekend. I'm guna invite peopl ova tho! (>;D)

Thats the playboy fone cover I got in town incase your interested.

helped tell me how to set up Kazaa (I think it's working!) So I was listening to Dr Dre on it that man is a genius!

I got my mum to buy me a camera cuz I haven't taken any pics since the Ski Trip n this weekend i'm guna try take pics,

I keep having the weirdest dreams!! and there really scary! On Tuesday night I had a dream where my friend and I were being chased by those creepy dinisours in Juressic Park (the ones with the claw) it was scary at the time! and last night I dream't about a shark trying to kill my family and I hav a phobia of sharks! it's so freaky! but I got up at 2.50 pm 2day! so i'm happy! When my parents left for the airport this morning at 6.00am I hadn't even been asleep yet! because I cudn't sleep! My parents were like physco child! Right now i'm off to watch sum good old tv.


Suzi blogged out at 10.00pm

Weds 19th Feb Feb 2003

Heya I decided to treat people who luv lukin at pics cuz I hav a few here!!
This pic was taken 2 days ago! and yeh I luk deformed but I wanted to show ya'll my room n my fave boots!

This was last May the morning after my 15th birthday sleepover! *and um yeh were all hungover* I really miss Jenny! she moved to the country and I haven't kept in contact wit her but I really miss her! :(

I just thought this was v. amusing wen I found it! i'm about 10 years old! was I really drinking it? I don't think so!

My mum is letting me decorate my Wexford room probably near Easter ;D I chose this color for the walls

bright I kno! and i'm going to put lava lamps and fairy lights desiquesd as leaves in it etc.. it'l be so cool! I'm guna buy all this crap from a shop called THE SOURCE in Temple bar.

It's 1.30am now I cudn't sleep so I dyed my hair! well sorta I put pink in the end's wana see? Click PINK HAIR
it washs out after one wash!

2day I was up at 4.00pm yeh I suck , Roisin and Co woke me up ringing the doorbell again and again cuz they had already rung me twice and were detirmed to get me up! apperntly they were praying on my front steps *crazy children* so I got my mobile and hid by a window and started texting Ro saying things like "I can see u" and "I'm watching u" it was real funny cuz I cud see them searching 4 me then evil lil Collette spotted me and I was like *Fuck it* and I had to let them in! We watched tv , listened to music , went on cam and just generaly messed around!

Can anyone believe how fast this year has gone!? I mean skool year.. From September to Febuary it's gone so quick! there must be a catch like wen I go bak after mid term it'l be ages ti'l Easter or sumthin! I wana go to the cinema this weekend because I haven't been in awhile (last week doesn't count it was a birthday) I wana see.. The Ring or Daredevil or watevers out!

well i'm guna TRY go sleep now at 2.00am! early 4 me! cya

Suzi blogged out at 2.02am

Sun 16th Feb Feb 2003

Hello. I slept in late again but it's my mid term so that's my excuse (1 week of freedom) b4 going back to that kip whole of a skool. Co signed my guestbook! and 2 peopl who don't kno wats shes talkin about it's sum real Dub slang! she's not 1 to be messed wit!!

I got a entery in my guestbook sayin "u don't seem Irish , up the leptrachuns" and I was hmm.. ok?!! just 2 set the record straight I'm a Dub (from Dublin) and we don't live in fields or watever lil fantasy you hav! seriously if you think that your really igrorant! in my skool it's full of blond girl's who are rich and all the guys luv just like America it's probably just the same and theres alot of peopl who kick the shit outa each other and believe me come to Ireland call sum1 a leprachun and i'd b able to garentuee you wont be leaving wit your legs! look at Colin Farell he's a Dub and does he look like a farmer? NO he takes loadsa drugs n drink and so on! thats bit half of Dublin! another bit is the blond shopping air heads that luv themselves , there are just average people aswell and so on ... then theres the country people who I don't know much about cuz I don't live there! but get ur facts rite cuz you can't just go asume things and if thats your attitude you'd be very surprised arriving in Dublin!

I was in town yesterday just to shop but there was thousands of protesters on the streets marching so it was like ah!! my mum dropped us off beside them all cuz we cudn't get parked and wen she drove off me and Collette were lost between all these protesters (scary stuff) so I rang my dad askin if he knew where 2 go and I was like "dad were stuck between all these mad protesters and we dont know where to go!" and do you wat help I got "very good!" after tryin 2 get help from him for 2 minutes and been told "very good" and "very well" I gave up and we found our way to Grafton street. So I got 2 tops and a fone cover (it's playboy bunny!) Then me and Collette watched my video The Sweetest Thing which rox.

My sister is a bitch! a spa a fuckin loser. She is a spoilt 18yr old baby!! she is selfish and I h8 her. I had a big fite wit her last nite which I won! but she is a dick! but yeh i'm not wasting my time writing about a dick head like her so yeh. ..

Rite now i'm talkin 2 TORI
on msn and listenin to FREEDOM FM
live on air. o and watchin the Ireland rugby match! i'm so multi talented! (kidding) 2 peopl who are like omg your pictures ... I don't like em.... Do I care? NO so just leave , take ur stupid comments and shove em up ur fuckin arse! :D


Suzi blogged out at 3.25pm

(2.00am) Thurs/Fri 14th Feb 2003

Heya I realised I hadn't updated in ages! Ususally I find time 4 my lil online diary but recently i've been 2 lazy. I usually get up at 2.00 or 3.00pm and laze around watch tv and stuff my face with junk food. I wish I was expelled from skool! because I really don't wana go back! which is weird cuz usualy i'm happy enough going except getting up 4 it , now tho i'm dreading it , i've been living it up at home! It's not the people cuz theres no1 I hate in my year but it's the enviorment like a fuckin prision *CLASS* , *CLASS BELL* , *UNIFORM* , *STUPID RULES* , *LONG HOURS* , I cud go on.. It's like a friend of mine sayd to me recently "Your lucky you have a good set of friends and I always see you having a laugh with them so how can you not like skool?" but yeh SKOOL SUX!

We lost our hockey match against Holy Child Killiney stupid skool! there 2 gud 4 our league! but I scored a goal so I was like "o yeh!"

ALL THE DUCKS ARE SWIMMING IN THE WATER FA LA LA LA LA , that song is stuck in my head and has been all nite!!


It's Valantines day 2moro! evil it's only a holiday for people in a relationship to gloat at us less unfortunate people! (i'm not bitter I swear)

So 2moro when everyone is in skool or busy i'l hav yet ANOTHER free day! and I mite go shopping who knows!!... O no wait Collette gets off skool at 10.00am! so I mite just hang out wit her 2moro. She came over this morning and we just talked n stuff at the moment Her and Roisin are annoyed (kinda) wit Maire long story!!

O yeh yesterday me and my mum took my lil doggie Bailey for a walk on Dun Laoigre pier which we sumtimes do every couple of months but it was 6.00pm and dark and it was really pretty because it had all the lights of the city and it wasn't packed wit people only a few and the sea was calm and there was this boat so I asked my mum where it was going and she was like "probably France or England" and I really wanted to jump onto it and sail away! that'd b so cool.

Ah I duno wat to do wit myself you see the down side to being off skool for so long is you have TO MUCH time to think about your problems! like if sum1 is being a bit off wit me b4 wen I had other things on my mind i'd b like screw them and wait t'il they calmed down b4 I talk to them again but now i'd worry about it for agesss because I have nothin else to do!! I kno i'm going on alot but your reading it so ...

I'm finish up this entry on a happy note cuz even tho it's 3.30am and miss insomniac can't sleep i'm in a gud mood! so... WELL DONE IRELAND We won 2-0 against the scotts in Football on Wednesday and even tho 2 of my lil babies weren't playing (Damian Duff , Robbie Keane) we did very well. and I wana just say ROY KEANE ur still a legand and u rock!!

:D cya

Suzi blogged out at 3.37am
Sun 9th Feb 2003

Alrite people? 2day was a gud day. Me , my mum , Collette and Tori went to Wexford for the day. It was alot of fun , we were on the beach and in Goery (town) and playin tennis.. the beach was the best , Tori n Co were messing in the sea (well beside it) tryin not 2 get hit by the waves which were very big. and I made a protective circle beside the sea and I sat in it and guess wat! I wasn't touched by the waves they stopped just in front of my circle every time! *hehe* , but It was weird going bak again wit all the memories it's been a long time (6 months) and the lil hut wit all the graffiti and stuff... but I CAN'T WAIT til this Summer

I wana make another point mainly about abusers even thou I ain't had ne 2day!! basicly life is 2 short to get annoyed over the pettyist things y bother does it make you feel better if it does your just really sad!

2moro I will hav another lazy day so i'l get up at 12.00pm and jog for awhile then relax wit my tv .. sounds great

Co will be home but she has to study for her mocks! H8 DAT!!

I kno I sayd 2day was a gud day n it was but then again not compleatly the gud things were Wexford etc.. and Tori gave me socks which was nice but the bad things are their too.. like Bailey (my dog) he bites people not attacks them but he does bite and i'm worried 4 him! and my great aunt's funeral is Wednesday ;( and I hav a league match is on Wednesday after the funeral but I am VERY unfit and I hav a cold!! Sometimes life can be so unfair and other times it can surprise you... lets just hope this is one of those times and that everything will turn out ok!!.

Suzi blogged out at 10.02pm

Sat 8th Feb 2003

Heya guys , gurl's. To the complete and total retarts who come hear tryin 2 start shit this is wat I hav to say back to you as your to CHICKEN ASS SHIT to leave a contact.

Ok 1. Ok this is only to the people who come heer sayin "o ur ugly BLAH BLAH FUKIN BLAH" thats gr8 to kno but ya c I kno I ain't , I kno I ain't stunning far from it , but I also kno i've got a long way to go b4 I start looking ugly. I mean you don't kno me and you must b REALLY AND I MEAN REALLY UGLY because you sit at your computer screen thinkin up ways to try put other peopl down because YOU feel insecure about yourself. it's a proven fact I bet you look a lot like this

now that's ugly and I bet it's like lookin in a mirror 4 you isn't it. Basicly wat i'm sayin is 1. Your a no life thick cunt

You suck ass

Your a chicken shit , take but can't give

so fair enough tel me wat u like but leave a contact no stupid fake contacts so the link doesn't work , your just proving my point on how pathetic you are. O n by the way thick shits your hard work is very much appreacited cuz yeh guess wat I just delete your entries , so you waste your life on sumthin I delete in ike 2 seconds so fuck you >:P. ...neways..

So on Friday my mum brought me into town and we went shopping and I got alot of new stuff!! jewelry mainly ( belly-bar , braclet , chain etc.. ) nike tracksuit , army tops , playboy tee-shirt etc... and yeh it was fun ;D

2day was fun too up at 9.45am (yawn) played a hockey match i'm so unfit! it was a friendly our league is on Wednesday same day as my great Aunt's Funreal *god bless her* ;'( yeh she died 2day which is sad. , It was Leanne's party we saw THE BANGER SISTERS it was cool. then we ate junk and watched tv and gossiped , just wat regular teens do! and 2moro were heading off to Wex for the day.

cam pics will be up soon so yeh........

gotta go bye

Suzi blogged out at 12.50am

Weds 5th Feb 2003

YAY I ADDED A LIVE CAM!! On the left menu under Cam Pics there is a white box with "view cam" and wen I go on live you can see me!! ah how cool is that!! me=very happy! , so yeh I shud b online this Friday at 9.00pm Irish time , check me out!! ;D

I was up at 5.30pm so I won't sleep for hours 2nite.. Just a quick update.. I added a new section called Site


if you want a shorter link to my site try here
and basicly thats it .. on my cam pics shud b up 2moro.. byee.

Suzi blogged out at 1.00am

Tues 4th Feb 2003

Hello people. You wont believe the day I had! Ok i'l start from yesterday

I was up at 4.00pm yesterday and just lazed around all day. So I only fell asleep at 5.00am! and I was up at 7.30am!!! I had to go to a clinic about my skin and I had to get a another fuking blood test! (now my arm is sore) So I had 2 hours sleep and a sore arm!! Also people are pissing me off BIG TIME I joined a few pic rating sites you see and I hav my email in them and stupid rejects keep adding me to their msn "Hi will you do a cam show for me?" , "Will you be my friend?" and all these people from Pakastain who can't speak proper english!! So it's like FUCK OFF! , I wudn't usualy mind people adding me it's when there horrible old men or generaly weird! So I changed my profiles with a message saying "If you want to talk to me on msn (and my email address) then email me on this server 1st and ask permsison to add me or I will automaticly block you. So I thought people wud get the message but noooo sum thick cunt added me! So I deleted him!

I also took more cam pics n day will be up this week sumtime... so yeh...

After I came home 2day my mum got me a video "The sweetest thing" and it was fukin deadly. and my sis was being nice 2 me which was gud usually were tryin 2 kill eachother. I can't belive i'm still awake i'm sooo tired. So cya
Suzi Blogged out at 9.25pm

Sun, 2nd Feb 2003

Aright? Hows everyone. Ok newz.. well Saturday moring at 8.00 after a 4 hour sleep Suzi got up and went to a hockey match which i'm v. glad we went to , we drew it 0-0 which was gud cuz were pretty sure were through into round 2! (yay ;D) Tori came ova and me her and Co watched tv then we watched Aladian and Maire came over. I luv Aladian seriously peopl go watch watch it you'l 4get how cool it was!

After Maire n Roisin came ova n we messed about on the cam here are 3 pics




Well yeh we messed about n then Co n Tori stayed ova we just went online n chatted to guys n watever cuz I added myself to alot of those rating sites!! We went to bed at 4.00am

Woke up 2day with a banging headache , sore throat and stuffy nose :*( so feeling sorry for myself I slept in til 3.00pm (back to my old ways) which I need to stop!! It's mad like sum peopl find it SO hard to stop smoking or drinking or taking drugs with me I find it so hard not sleeping in , it I h8 myself for doing it , it's fustrating but I always do my *just 5 more minutes* which leads to hours!! It drives me crazy the others got up at like 12.00!! and had to read , We got the same hours sleep and everything but noooooooo Suzi can't get up! (ah!)

It snowed aswell So I was happy it didn't stick but snow is snow , It reminded me of Austria so much I almost felt I was back there and I keep dreaming I'm back there with my mates , I even dreamed it last nite aswell!! So neways 2day we watched tv , I got a take away dinnear and went online (o the excitment) not! Wexford will hav to wait!!

Suzi blogged out 12.18am.

Sat , 1st Feb 2003

Heya everyone ok so I redid my site about 60% so that's fine for now. Well I kno I havent updated in a few days but i've been busy look at all my CAM PICS HERE
theres alot! I wana get my webcam hooked to the net so wen i'm on live peopl on my site can see me!! ne1 kno how??! PLEASE tell me! and i'l b yourz 4eva!!

Neways.. Enough with the site news.. So this week i've been doing alot of shit basicly getting up at 3.00pm and lazying around the house! Co n Roisin came ova for awhile 2day we were watching tv and I was thinking if I should play my hockey match 2moro (I just had my tonsails out) so I thought of a plan! at the break I barged them outside and made them run with me! It was v. funny we went to a different road in our easte cuz the others wanted to hav wat they call a *cancer stick* or wat I call a smoke! evil peopl dat day are. I don't smoke , I've experimented , When I was 12 mainly (back in the rebel days) where it was considered "cool" I remember a group of us went up to the park and smoked and I was addicted on 1 smoke! so I figured NO WAY am I guna be hooked on a "cancer stick" neways.. We were just running up and down the road so I guess i'm getting up at 8.00am on a Saturday to run around in a tiny hockey skirt in the coldest weather (that's dedication 4 ya) N 2moro Tori n Co r probably comming over n we'l take pics on my webcam , which will b interesting!!.

My sister was all excited today cuz it's her boyf's 18th so she's all like :Dyay:D she got him a cd and a voucher 4 a tatoo! crazy child , I'd luv a tatoo 1 day... lets just leave it there ,

I feel alot better now , not just my tonsails but my way of thinking and my mood , last week none of my skool friends had contacted me so I felt a bit lonley and sad but then they all started to contact me and I felt loved <3 That's it wit my I guess , I sumtimes wana shut things out be alone just to think even if it's about nothing and other times I hate being alone it's lonley and quiet , I am 1 messed up kid! and there's nearly always sumthin worrying me! Does he like me ... Is she pissed wit me .. Can I wear this .. even lil thing's rite now it's What happens if I can't play 2moro and hav to go off after 2 minutes! i'd feel i'd be letting them all down and thats another thing I hate doing! I feel guilty if that happens and then that in turn get's me angry (with myself) but I take it out on others.

Well I know I go on a bit but thats just me this is my blog!

Suzi blogged out at 1.44am !

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