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WaSSaBiMuShRuM: hey
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: u there yet?
DarXero: ya hi
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: i think i found out why they only hit for the head
DarXero: cuz they appreciate splitting headaches?
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: no
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: cuz im only watchen tournament stuff
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: and i think thats how you score. head shots
DarXero: head neck wrists
DarXero: maybe 1 other thing
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: head neck wrists?
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: o yeah
DarXero: thats how u score
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: yup
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: so if i took kendo do u think ud b interested?
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: hehehe
DarXero: i will drive down to los angeles everyday to play with u k
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: martial artz r ubar discipline training
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: they have dojos all over the place
DarXero: what about discipline training interests u
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: itz good to have discipline
DarXero: u are american hah
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: /hrug
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: /shrug even
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: itz alwaiz good to have sum discipline
DarXero: i am always interested in martial arts type things =P
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: letz dooh it! hehehe sjsu haz a kendo club loo
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: lol
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: i wanna go check em out sum dai
DarXero: lolz
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: itz mundai n wedz frum lyke 630 ro 830 or sumthin
DarXero: whut we do, go watch or something?
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: i gunna dumtyme
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: ill tell u if im goin an ur welcome to come
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: i juss wanna check em out an see how to get started n such
DarXero: k
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: n find out about armor and cost n stuff
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: but itd b great to have a sparring buddy lol
DarXero: =)
DarXero: cha it would
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: it loox hella phun
DarXero: id be in karate if i had a partner...
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: itz lyke japaneez fencing
DarXero: chris lykes swords
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: hehehe me tooh
DarXero: =)
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: but u could beat peeple w/ pretty much ne long objekt
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: lol
DarXero: lol
DarXero: i will beat people with my bow k
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: lol
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: gl =P our aim sux
DarXero: no i mean physically beat
DarXero: like whack
DarXero: and my aim does not suck so bad as u think =P
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: that showz u how to hold the sword gud
DarXero: hah leet
DarXero: now to roxor with new grip tactics eh
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: lol
DarXero: those words are japanese righte
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: yah
DarXero: chudan no kamae
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: cha!
DarXero: try alta vista translations, it doesnt wurk on my comp
DarXero: it is either broken or not compatible w/ my os
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: k
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: mite not work cuz itz the english version of the japaneez word
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: cuz japaneez duz not uze english letterz lol
DarXero: no translations work for me dude
DarXero: english to english wouldnt work =P
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: holy shat
DarXero: wassat?
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: when u first study kendo u learn foot work from 2 to 4 months....
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: whew
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: reed that
DarXero: um no thx?
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: lol
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: /shrug
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: itz kinda important
DarXero: i read dat already
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: 6 monthz 2 a year before armor
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: soundz lyke work but i think im still game
DarXero: what are u reading
DarXero: i dont see anything about that
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: boooooooooo
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: hold on
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: lemee find it
DarXero: heh cool
DarXero: what is the site of the local one
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: the SJSU 1?
DarXero: ya
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: dun think they have 1
DarXero: well then how do u know when they meet? =)
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: they had sum info on sum1 elses sight
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: lemee find it
DarXero: u lose too many thingies =)
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: San Jose State Univ. Kendo Club
Agnes Dev. Center
Monterrey & De La Cruz Rd.
Santa Clara, CA
M W 6:30-8:30pm

WaSSaBiMuShRuM: there is also a palo alto and a mountain view dojo
WaSSaBiMuShRuM: but those r both @ budhist templez =/