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Harry Potter Fanfiction Recommendations

There are some good stories on Fiction Alley hidden amongst the "Aunt Petunia screamed angrily up the stairs at poor Harry" variety you mostly find.

Like this one, Spring Cleaning by Elektra. Oy, I'm still shuddering at this stream-of-consciousness view of the mind of Petunia Dursley. I strongly recommend it.

My Sister's Ghost, also by Elektra, is equally good. How did Petunia ever justify putting Harry in that closet under the stairs?

And while we're at it, just read through Eleanor Zara's incomplete Petunia/Snape epic, Silent All These Years. Mama! She is good. Her Petunia and Snape are spot on and the plot she's devised is just plain ooky.

Wednesday by Northlight is a dark, meditative piece that explores the inner workings of Petunia's mind.

Everything Emerald by RurouniHine is a rather disturbing piece from Lily's POV. References to Petunia.

Turned Away by IcePrincess is one of the best "why Petunia treats Harry like dirt" stories out there. Just amazing, poignant, and well-written.

Little Girls by Ticca is another Petunia & Lily as young girls story, but it has a different perspective and is really well-written.

Not Even in a Lifetime by Anne1. A short fic about a random encounter by Petunia at Harry's christening. Not shippy, but a nicely written and interesting piece.

Hatred Not Chosen by "Object of the Twins Affection." Mostly a Harry/Hermione piece, in which Petunia overhears a conversation between the two teens and reveals some truths to Hermione in a private chat.

Flowering Willow by Tracev. Haven't read the whole thing yet, but the writing looks good and the ship (Petunia/Sirius Black) is just odd enough to catch my attention. Worth a look-see.

I will be posting more fanfic links as they become available to me. Obviously, this is not complete. Good references for Harry Potter fanfiction are Fiction Alley and Fan Fiction.Net.

And in a moment of blatant self-promotion, I have several stories on my LiveJournal account.


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