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Marshmallow Launcher Competition May 12, 2004 EGN 1006 Joshua Jackson Evelyn Li Carl Hines Veronica Sanabani Predicted Accuracy 36 in Actual Accuracy Percent error (|predicted-actual|*100/actual) a Actual Accuracy should be taken from test runs Table of Contents i. Title Page ii. Table of Contents 1. List of Figures 2. List of Tables 3. Abstract 3. Introduction 3. Background 3. Methodology 3. Alternative Solutions 4. Final Design 4. Conclusions 4. Recommendation 4. Bibliography 4. Appendix List of Figures Figure 1: Plots vs. Theta Pg 1 Figure 2: etc… Pg 4 Make sure to cite at least one figure in your report. The figure should be numbered and labeled, but can be located anywhere within the report. Figure 1 Plots vs. Theta, this figure is an example of how a figure should be included in the report. ***NOTE: Figures and Charts may also be included throughout the report as long as they are properly documented. List of Tables Table 1: Cost of Materials Pg 2 Please include at least one properly labeled table in your report. Table 1: Cost of Materials Materials Cost Wood $12.00 Marshmallows $1.00 Clamps $5.00 Surgical Tubing $2.00 Marshmallow Launcher Competition Abstract Our Project is to The abstract is a brief (less than one page) overview of the project. It must be concise, while at the same time including the important elements of the paper. Proper abstract writing is very important as many times it is the only published record of a report and many executive decisions are based upon the abstract alone. Please include all final conclusions and significant results in this section. Introduction In the introduction describe the system or situation under investigation. The introduction should also include a succinct statement of the problem to be solved, and summarize the needs of the client in terms of the corresponding design goals. Background Any technical paper should include a detailed description of: • The user population that is being served.a • The environment in which the design solution will be used.a • The design specifications or constraints within which a solution must be developed. • Prior work or designs in the field.a • Other relevant background information. a These sections can be fictitious or real (i.e. the user population could be the faculty and staff of EGN 1006 or the pasta bridge/marshmallow launcher needy people of the world). It is often best to summarize these elements with supporting tables or graphical form. Methodology Describe the procedures that were used to obtain the design proposed, including criteria for decisions. Alternative Solutions Summarize alternative solutions that were developed, this should include why these alternatives were not selected. Final Design Solution The final design should be described in complete detail, including the criteria for choice and the performance of the design under these criteria. This section will often need to be sub-divided into more detailed categories to cover all aspects of the proposed design. Some of the important elements are as follows: • Results: how did the device do in the competition? Pasta Bridge papers should be based on testing estimates and a prediction of what efficiency the bridge will have. (In the event of the Marshmallow Launcher Competition and Great Navel Orange Race, the results must be based on a trial application of the design.) • Materials: why were the materials selected for this application? • Design: why was this design selected over the alternative ones? Conclusions In the conclusion comment upon whether the design satisfies the original goals and criteria. Answer the questions: “will the customer’s needs be satisfied by the design”, “should the design be implemented”, “are there risks involved with implementations.” It is important to be honest and ethical in the conclusions. Recommendations In the recommendations answer whether further work should be performed or whether the design is ready for implementation. A good guideline is to answer the question; if you had one more year to work on the design what would you do? Bibliography You must keep detailed references. At the very least, your text and any websites used should be cited as references. Appendices The appendices often contains any collected data, supporting journal literature, correspondence, marketing studies, meeting minutes, patent search results – or any item that is too lengthy for the body of the report. Other elements that should be included in this section are any calculations used in the creation of the designb. Team meeting minutes must also be contained in this section, and must specify the following: • Dates and times of meetings • Participants • Description of activities, and or conclusions for each meeting b Great Navel Orange Race must contain a set of calculations performed in MathCAD that predicts the performance time in seconds by the transport unit. The results must be included here and on the title page. Survey Please thoroughly respond to the following question. • How can this lab be improved?